Chapter four - Pets for Bakugou

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE WANTS TO SUE US FOR ASSAULT!" Bakugou yelled. "Well Bakugou, you did hit her" Nezu said, clasping his small paws together. Before Bakugou could yell any more Kirishima spoke. "She started it" the first line of defense against Bakugou said (Kirishima). "She's in her mid-twenties and was 'flirting' with me" Kirishima said. Principal Nezu took this as a surprise. Usually Bakugou attacks without a reason, but this time he had one. "She also mistaked Bakugou for a dog, and said that he should be..." Kirishima started but stopped when looking at Bakugou. Kirishima cover Bakugou's ears. "That Bakugou should be put down" Kirishima finished. Aizawa and Nezu looked surprised. Bakugou had a really good reason to help his case. "That's why I snapped" Kirishima finished explaining. Bakugou brought out the note she wrote to Kiri and gave it to Aizawa. "She gave Kiri that note" Bakugou explained. When Kirishima says Bakugou and Bakugou says Kiri. They knew they were serious. "I'll see what we could do with this news" Nezu said. "Thank you for your time, you may leave" Nezu said. Bakugou and Kirishima left.

Bakugou was going to leave to his dorm but Kirishima stopped him. "Could I stay with you a little longer, I'm still a bit uncomfortable" the red head explained. Bakugou sighed and nodded his head. Kirishima sighed, thankful. They walked into Kirishima's dorm room.

Bakugou was bored out of his mind, he was about two seconds before walking back to that Pizzeria and kicking that waitress ass for the fun of it. "'M bored Shitty hair" Bakugou exclaimed. "You want me to pet you?" Kirishima asked, jokingly. Bakugou just sighed and said sure before walking towards Kirishima, who was laying on the bed. Bakugou laid his head on Kirishima's leg as he waited to be pet. Kirishima sighed happily, petting the little puppy. Bakugou's tail wagged as he was being pet, drumming the bed. "You like this?" Kirishima asked, knowing the answer. "It's...okay" Bakugou said, hiding his happiness well tried to. His tail kept wagging like it was a famous drummer. "Why ask me if you already know the answer.." Bakugou mumbled into Kiri's leg. "Becuase, I think it's cute when you acknowledge your tail" the red head explained. "Can you see in color though?" Kirishima asked. Bakugou chuckled lightly and answered. "I can see things like red and pink but that's about it everything else is grey" Bakugou explained. "Oh" Kirishima said. "How long does this quirk last?" Kirishima asked. "I don't know" Bakugou said. "It's lasted two days so far" Bakugou said, poking his ears. Then Kirishima started to worry. What if it last forever!? He wondered in a panic. "You okay?" Bakugou asked. "Huh?" Kirishima asked. "I just feel like somethings wrong" Bakugou said. "Yeah, something is wrong" Kirishima said, looking away and rubbing the back of his neck. "Just, what if this quirk never goes away" Kirishima asked. "Well looks like I'm a dog forever" Bakugou shrugged. That only made Kirishima worry more. Bakugou sighed. "I don't mean to make you worry" Bakugou said. "But it'll be fine" Bakugou said, reassuringly. "If I'm a dog it's not the end of the world. And I get free pets, ignor I said that" Bakugou said and realized the last part. Kirishima chuckled. "I would've thought you hated being pet" Kirishima laughed. "Only when it isn't you.." Bakugou mumbled but Kirishima still heard it. Kirishima blushed. He only liked it when I petted him? Kirishima asked in thought. "Do you think the others would want to pet you" Kirishima asked. "I know Deku would but he'd be too scared to go near me and you already know the answer for the girls" Bakugou listed. "Heh, yeah" Kirishima giggled.

Kirishima got an idea. He slowly petted his way to Bakugou's ears. When Kirishima petted them, it surprised Bakugou at first but then he started to like it, Bakugou rolled his head to look at Kirishima meaning he liked it, and his tail liked it more as it began wagging faster. Bakugou looked like he was going to fall asleep. And he did. I guess Bakugou was super comfortable' Kirishima thought. He sighed happily and lifted Bakugou to where he was sleeping on Kirishima's arm. Before Kirishima went to sleep, he gave a little kiss on Bakugou's forehead and whispered a goodnight before falling asleep. And Bakugou was flustered. He had only pretended to sleep to see what Kiri would do, but he wasn't expecting that. He looked at Kirishima and of his tail wasn't wagging already, it was definitely wagging fast now. He looked upon a sleeping Kirishima, his face squished into the pillow and his shark like teeth were visible through the smallest peak on his lips and he held Bakugou's hip like he wanted Bakugou to stay there. Bakugou did have enough strength to just leave Kirishima's grasp but decided to stay, as this was a life time moment for him to be in his crushes sleeping arms. Bakugou kissed Kirishima's forehead and went to sleep, happy.

Bakugou heard the door open and he shot his tired head to see Mina. He shrugged it off and went back to sleep until he realized that this was Mina. "What the hell you want pinkie" he said as she was about to leave, not lifting his head. "Oh, well Kiri wasn't downstairs at all so I wondered where he was, but I wasn't expecting this masterpiece" she explained. "Well have fun, but not too much fun" she said leaving. Bakugou saw that they were in the same position as when they first went to sleep. Bakugou looked up at his crush and snuggled closer. Kirishima's hand first followed but fell off. Bakugou closed his eyes to sleep again. To which was successful. And they slept the rest of the day and all night.

Bakugou woke up first the next morning then realized. He didn't have a nightmare last night. Maybe he just needed something or someone to make him feel safe at night and he knew who that someone was. Kirishima. Bakugou looked down at Kirishima for some reason, maybe he was staring at him to wake him up. Bakugou didn't know the answer himself. He decided to take this chance, after snapping a few photos of a sleeping Kiri, to look around. Bakugou saw that Kirishima had a bunch if gym equipment. Punching bags, and weights. He then saw something he didn't expect to see. A hoodie on his desk chair. It was black but had some red on the shoulders like they were splattered there, it had the words 'King Riot' on the hoodie in red. Something urge something in Bakugou.

Kirishima woke up to see..

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