Chapter six - Let's Talk

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Kirishima's eyes widened. He liked him back. Kirishima smiled shyly, grabbed Bakugou's chin, and gave him a peck on the lips. "I like ya too" Kirishima said, his forehead against Bakugou's. Bakugou blushed. "So...?" Bakugou asked. "Yep, if you want to" Kirishima said. "Yeah" Bakugou said. Bakugou smiled and so did Kirishima. Then Kirishima, out of excitement, jumped on Bakugou and kissed his face all over. When he finished he began laughing. "I'm sorry I'm super excited" Kirishima said. "It's fine" Bakugou said, as his tail wagged happily. Kirishima laid his head on Bakugou's chest and smiled as he hugged him. Bakugou rolled his eyes and hugged back. "Calm down" Bakugou said. "I can't, I'm too happy" Kiri said. Bakugou sighed. "Eh, I'm a little happy too" Bakugou said. "I can't lie with this damn tail snitching" Bakugou said, gritting his teeth while staring at his tail. Kirishima laughed. "Don't be so rough on your tail, I like your tail" Kirishima said. Bakugou stared blankly at Kirishima. "You have another chance" Bakugou said at his tail which made Kirishima laugh. "What were you going to do to it?" Kirishima asked. Bakugou just shrugged. "I was going to do something and it wasn't going to be pretty" Bakugou said. Kirishima looked at Bakugou's tail, and touched it. It surprised Bakugou and he looked at his tail. Kirishima kept petting it even though it was hard when it wagged. "What you prefer, ears or tail?" Kirishima asked. "Ears" Bakugou said, confused. Kiri then moved his hand Bakugou's ears. "I'm glad I picked the right thing" Bakugou said, leaning into the touch. Kirishima laughed.

Kirishima stood up and helped Bakugou get up. "Does that mean I get to call you Katsuki?" Kiri asked. Bakugou thought for a second even though he already knew the answer. "Yeah, only if I get to call you Eijiro" Bakugou answered. "Yeah!" Kirishima yelled, throwing his fist into the air. Kirishima was now beyond excited, but he knew Bakugou wasn't used to "social things" so he was going to try and take things slow with Katsuki. Who is now his Katsuki. On the other hand Bakugou was confused on what to do, he'd never been in a relationship mostly because of his attitude. So he didn't know how or even what they do as a couple now. Bakugou's tail wagged at the word 'couple'. "Do you want to tell anyone that we're a thing?" Kirishima asked. Bakugou really had to think on this one. If they told them, would they think he's a softy. If they told them, would they be disgusted, but he wasn't worried for him, he was more worried for Kirishima, since he is friends with most of these people. Bakugou felt warm hands on his shoulders. "Calm down, I'm sure everyone will accept us one way or another" it's like Kirishima read Bakugou's mind. "Sure" Bakugou said. Although he wasn't sure how they would react, he knew Kirishima had at least an idea, and Bakugou would have a reason to kill them if they didn't like the idea. Kirishima let go of Bakugou's shoulders and was about to grab his hand, but he stopped. He wanted to make sure Bakugou was okay with everything. "Is this alright?" He asked, grabbing Bakugou's hand. Bakugou blushed but nodded, agreeing that it was okay. Bakugou was happy that Kiri took him into consideration before doing something. They walked out hand in hand, when Red Riot got a text from Mina.

Queen pink bee - I smell tea

Kirishima sighed. "If strawberry shortcake can smell a couple from her room I don't want to know what else she'll smell if we're alone". Bakugou only said that to make Kirishima blush to which it did. "Don't say things like that" he said blushing into his phone. Bakugou only laughed. "I'm joking" Bakugou said, laughing. Kirishima made a cute pout face making Bakugou laugh more. Kirishima texted Mina back.

Red Shark - what does "tea" smell like

Queen pink bee - drama

Kiri laughed at Mina's response and showed Bakugou. "What does drama smell like?" Bakugou asked. Kiri just shrugged. "It smells like something Mina needs" Kirishima joked.

Red Shark - you're about to find out what it is

Kirishima knocked on Mina's door and she answered instantly "TEA!" she yelled as she opened the door. "I want Denki, Sero, and Jiro here too" Kirishima said. He knew they would tell everyone and he knew Bakugou would want to start small.

Once everyone was there, it was time for the tea to be spilled. "So what we brought you here for was-" Bakugou and Kirishima said in unison. "You tell them" Kirishima said. "No, you tell them" Bakugou said back. Kirishima grabbed Bakugou's hand and waved it in the air as a hint. They all got it. Mina and Jiro turned to Denki and Sero. "Our money please" Mina said. They both sighed and gave Mina and Jiro each twenty dollars. "WHAT!" Bakugou yelled. "Was it that obvious" Kirishima asked. "Yeah" Jiro said. Mina nodded. "A woman knows love, these two were just fried asses to noticed" Jiro said, point towards Sero and Denki. "Hey!" Denki yelled. Sero just shrugged. Bakugou huffed and leaned up against Kiri. Kirishima happily wrapped his arm around him.

•A few weeks later•

Kirishima was walking his way to class when Monoma blocked his path. "I heard you were dating anger management" he said with a cruel smile. Kirishima rolled his eyes and told him that they were dating. Monoma laughed a little. "And you think he actually likes you?" He asked. Kirishima cooled his anger and grew a big, toothy smile. "Of course I do! Why else would he date me?" Kirishima asked. "To use you" Monoma said. "I mean he does need to cool his anger to become a hero, and you're the only one capable of doing that" he explained. This made Kiri doubt their relationship. What if he was right? Kirishima was about to cry. Monoma pat him on the shoulder and went on with his day. (Damn you Monoma).

Kirishima sat in his desk and hid his face from the world. Kirishima couldn't help it anymore, he began to cry but not so loudly that anyone could hear as class began. Kirishima hid his mouth with his hands, trying to, desperately, take deep breaths. Bakugou noticed Kirishima was laying his head. He lifted his dog ear to listen more closely and he heard a sad mutter of breathing and a sniffle. Bakugou got up from his chair and began to walk towards Kiri. "Bakugou what do you think you're doing!?" Mr. Aizawa asked. Bakugou just gave him a glare then continued walking. Once he made it to Kirishima's desk, everyone had eyes on them. Bakugou got onto Kirishima's level and began to speak. "Hey, you want to talk out in the hall?" Bakugou asked. Kiri nodded. They both randomly got up and everyone saw that Kirishima was crying. They walked out of the classroom to talk.

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