Broken Armor

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                Broken Armor

Argh. Hooray. Another night without dreams. Just how I wanted it. Amazing how something like that can cheer me up. I’m hungry. I should fix something up for Elicia and I. “Elicia, what do ya want for... breakfast? Elicia?” She’s not in bed. I don’t even know if she slept up here. I start getting up when I hear light sobbing coming from the bathroom. That has to be her. Why would she be crying? I walk over and knock on the door. “Little fox? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Nothing,” she mutters.

“Come on. You can tell me.”

“It’s just...”

“Yes sweety?”

“... I don’t know why I’m here.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t get how I can be in this situation. It doesn’t make sense. I try to kill you and you invite me to your house. You give me food, clothes, and... and your heart. ”

I open the door and see her sitting on the toilet seat. “Well, it makes sense to me, somewhat. I wanted to do something nice for you and you just so happened to be absolutely wonderful. And I didn’t give you my heart. You stole it, but you can keep it if you like. It’s not like I was using it... Please, Fireheart. Don’t cry,” I say before I kneel in front of her and wipe her tears away. “Is there anything i can do to cheer you up? Please don’t say ‘sing’, I’m awful at that.”

She chuckles a little and smiles. Even when she’s down her grins light up my day. I take her hand and help her up. “Some food should cheer you up. I’ll cook you anything. Just name it, my dear.” Turns out all she wants are some chocolate chip pancakes. How classy. After a few minutes I whip up some pancakes for the both of us, drench them in syrup, and serve our plates. I’m not the best cook, but I get the job done. Elicia certainly seems to be enjoying them. She’s wolfing them down faster than I am. Hold on. Isn’t someone else supposed to be here? “Elicia, where’s Briggs?”

“He left a couple hours ago. Said he’d head back home. These are good pancakes, by the way.”

Glad to see she’s feeling better. “Hm. You’re too kind. Anything you want to do today?”

“Actually, I thought we could do something that you were planning on. You’ve done enough for me lately.”

“No I haven’t. But I’ll accept your offer, sweety. It’s only one thing, anyway.”

My plan was to mess around with the Vulcan. The damn thing’s been gathering dust in the living room for four days. I bring out my tool box from my closet and start workin’. But first, I need somethin’ to chew on. For some reason it helps me concentrate. I grab a toothpick, place it between my teeth, and begin my project.

I take apart everything and then put it back together while cleaning anything remotely dirty. If only I could give it a cooler look. You know, kinda like the minigun from Terminator 2. Thankfully Fireheart’s a good assistant, or this’d take a shit ton longer than I’d want it to. She turned on the T.V. after a while to entertain herself. Now I feel kinda bad. This must be so boring for her. I should just focus on this so I can finish as quickly as I can. After countless hours (about four or five) I’m finally done tinkering on the Vulcan. It’s beautiful. And shiny. I would use it right now if it weren’t for the fact that it’d be entirely impractical. “Are we done?” Elicia asks.

“Uh-huh. All done.”

“What if I want to use it?”

“What’re you gonna use it for?”

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