𝑆ℎ𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑃𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑠

587 11 27

Constance is 8 months pregnant

I was getting ready for a last minute baby shower that I didn't know was planned

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I was getting ready for a last minute baby shower that I didn't know was planned. Liv and Dad planned it. Currently Jordan was with Darnell and Kia getting food for the baby shower. I expected there to be mango since it's Jordan one true love. I heard a knock on my dairy and it was Eliana.

"Hi Eliana" I hugged her
"Hey, Jordan said you were gonna take maternity pictures today, and your baby shower is today" She sat down
"Yeah, we weren't prepared for the baby shower" I nervously laughed
"It's ok my the same thing happened to my grandma" She comforted me
"Could you tell me" I asked
"Sure, She was about 25 and pregnant with my mom, if I remember the story the date was 2/25, and she was talking her maternity pictures but, her brother was impatient and planned her baby shower the same day as her pictures. So her mother in law helped her get ready and 2 months after that she had my mom. Her name was Salem. She died last year" A tear fell from Eliana's eye

"I'm so sorry but, could you help me get ready" I asked
"I'd be honored" She hugged me
"Thank you" I stood up leading her to my room
Dress yes it was on Pinterest....:

At the baby shower Jordan was wearing a normal suit but his vest was the same color as my dress

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At the baby shower Jordan was wearing a normal suit but his vest was the same color as my dress.

"Hey you look hotter than you do naked" Jordan kissed me
"I should throw those mangos away for that comment" I kissed him back
"Woah, kid that hair" My dad walked up to me
"What?, I like it" Eliana added
"I like it, but, when did you do it" He asked
"Last night, Jordan was sleep and I was bored, also every time I threw up it got in my hair" I explained
"She loves giving mommy a hard time" Jordan rubbed my stomach
"And you love calling me mommy" I said back

"You call her mommy" Darnell remembered
"Go away" Jordan pushed him
"That weird, anyways open this" Olivia handed me a present. I opened it and Jordan almost died

 I opened it and Jordan almost died

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