The Hawk

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It didn't take long for Loki to discard his disguise and the cleaning cart, not too surprising really.

At first as Thor and Loki walked through the building, they were cautious, but soon... Loki couldn't help himself but actually address one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, almost teasingly.

Thor, not one to be left behind by his little brother, soon did him one after and asked a SHIELD agent for directions, and the agent willingly applied, seeing nothing odd about it at all. He was even smiling and was genuinely being very kind. Commenting on how maze-like the facility could be and Thor agreed in a pleasant smile.

That only made Loki lighten up and soon Thor and Loki were nearly running across the facility snickering to each other as they acted like they belonged there.

The god of mischief had no issue helping himself to other peoples' coffee, switching around name tags and innocently asking an agent when the last time there had been any intruders.

As the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent assured him no one had ever been stupid enough to intrude on a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility. Loki only smiled and Thor turned his head away to hide his snicker.

"But what would happen if someone did break in?" Loki asked innocently.

"Oh I pity such a fool," the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent assured.

"Really?" Thor asked, hanging an arm on Loki's shoulder. "Any special torture or something?"

"Only if the intruder refuses to cooperate!" The agent assured.

"Oh dearest me, let's hope such a poor fool would be wise enough to do what he was being told!" Loki stated.

"Yes! EXACTLY!" the agent exclaimed.

"But... If a person is dumb enough to try and get in here. You really think they'll actually cooperate?" Thor asked and the agent blinked. "I mean, what is the logic there, going through the bother of getting in only to sell out?"

"Right." The agent straightened up. "Poor fool! As I said!"

When Loki and Thor finally left and rounded a corner, they were nearly breaking from laughter. Like a couple of children finding such joy in just getting away with it.

In the back of his mind, Thor knew he should take this more seriously, but it just felt so good playing around with Loki like this. They were so easily joking with each other! And laughing too! Really laughing at each other's stupid jokes and small dares!

They hadn't done that for hundreds of years! And bonding with Loki so they could work out their issues was only good, right?

They needed to acquire a level S security card, it was done as Thor distracted a high ranking agent and Loki just swiped it, they were both snickering once they were in a lone corridor again.

Finally they stood in front of a big metal door, filled with locks of all kinds.

Loki was smirking. "I am going to say, you are actually not that bad at directions after all," he complimented Thor.

Thor blushed slightly as he reached forward and swiped the card, then swallowed as he looked at the keypad... If he got this wrong, just one time, all the alarms would go off. He would be forced to punch himself through the door after all.

Don't get this wrong, please... Thor had no doubt they would still be able to get the Tesseract but, people might be hurt and Loki would surely think he was stupid.

Thor swallowed and then pressed the numbers he thought he remembered. He was shaking, his heart beating and then... a beep and the light turned green as the door unlocked.

Loki glanced at Thor, his eyes honestly looking just slightly impressed.

To think, Thor had gone an entire lifetime and his brother had never been that impressed with him, that is until right now when he showcased the skills Loki appreciated the most.

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