Ill fated confrontation

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Thor... Could not help it, his eyes were constantly on Loki.

He recognized this, he had seen it before.

Loki's anger, burning deep inside of him, hate showing in his eyes, a desire to spite and get back at those who had wronged him.

This time though, the anger was not turned towards Thor himself, this time... Odin had the undivided honor of it.

And Loki didn't even know half of it yet.

Thor only hoped Loki would remain rational, now that he fully well knew what Loki was capable of.

Loki's anger had blinded him before, he had given into his burning desire for revenge, just to spite those he hated.

He had tried to take over Midgard just to spite Thor and Odin!

Or... perhaps not. Thor with a shudder remembered what Nebula had told him, Loki had initially refused Thanos, once again out of spite.

It had taken an Infinity Stone to bend him, the Mind gem. What had happened though was that the spite he already had had been fed some more it seemed.

Thor could not forget the pure hate in Loki's eyes. How he had stood in chains in front of Odin, but he hadn't looked the least bit sorrowful. Remorse might as well have been a foreign concept to him. He had been defiant and spiteful. He was not going to apologize nor excuse his actions on Midgard, he just wanted to hurt Odin and Thor in whatever way he could.

Thor had no doubt that if Odin had come close enough, Loki would have spit him in the face!

And it looked like Loki wasn't totally above that right now either as they moved across the old ancient catacombs placed on an uninhabited desolate planet.

In Loki's hand was a golden cylinder, Thor had informed Loki about the Aether, how it was indeed the Reality Stone but in a liquefied state. Almost sludge-like.

It was obvious that for it to be safe to carry Infinity Stones around, they needed containers. So Loki had built one which he was now holding, then finally they were there, in front of the obelisk with the energy swirling around.

"So that's it?" Loki asked. "The dark elves' greatest treasure and weapon which King Bor of Asgard stole from them and hid here?" he asked. "Has a familiar ring to it, does it not?" he asked.

"Are you referring to.. .The casket of ancient winters?" Thor asked.

Loki smirked. "So which race do you intend to fight Thor?" he asked. "It seems to be a family tradition, pick a race, wage war, take their big treasure secret weapon thing and hide it away."

"I... I'd rather not do that," Thor informed. "Honestly, all these old wars have done is leaving messes behind we are forced to deal with."

"But you won't have to deal with it obviously, just your children or grandchildren," Loki pointed out innocently.

"All the more reason not to," Thor sighed. "We ought to deal with our own messes, leaving it to others is not right."

"Indeed." Loki nodded as the black-red like substance swirled around, then suddenly it came, like a long tentacle going directly for Loki.

Thor's eyes widened. "LOKI!" he shouted.

But Loki held up a hand and out came a green force field pushing the thing away. "Feisty one, isn't it?" the god of mischief asked.

"Loki, please. Be careful," Thor asked, honestly frightened. Remembering only all too well what that thing had done to Jane! And nearly had done.

"Worry not, brother." Loki commented, holding out his cylinder. "We came prepared."

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