The new Timeline: Visit from S.H.I.E.L.D.

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Thor was only delighted to get a phone call from Steve.

Unfortunately though, Steve sounded rather distressed. Outright flustered actually.

"You-Your majesty." Steve's voice sounded in the phone. "Listen, I am so sorry. I didn't mean."

"Calm down Steve," Thor spoke in a calm voice. "Take a breath, just tell me what is wrong."

Steve at the other end swallowed. "Listen, I erhm... I am in the employe of this organization."

"Shield, yes. I am aware." Thor replied. "And they are part of the US government."

"Oh." Steve sounded surprised. "Okay, well. When they found out I had gotten an invitation from your personally. To go to New Asgard... Well, they."

"Ah." Thor nodded. "I assume your boss wants entail from an inside man, he is sending you to 'spy' huh?"

There was silence, stunned silence.

"Am I incorrect?" Thor asked.

"No... You are right." Steve replied stunned. "I am not really into all that... Spying stuff. That's not." he sighed. "I rather want an open honest relationship. I just wanted you to know that... That's what he asked of me. And... Please believe me. I didn't tell them that Bruce Banner is in your city! Somehow Nick Fury already knew!"

"Nick Fury?" Thor asked pretending it was a question.

"Ah erhm, the leader of Shield. He gives all the orders and... Somehow he already knew that Doctor Banner is with you." Steve informed. "And our top priority is to... Asses Doctor Banner."

Thor nodded. "Shield does have eyes everywhere. Of course, they knew, it's what they do."

"You... You are not mad?" Steve asked.

"Oh I should like to have a word with Director Fury for spying on my city which is its own sovereignty," Thor replied. "But I am not mad at you Sir Rogers," he assured.

"Oh... Okay. That's fair... Actually, I wasn't supposed to call before we arrived. They kept telling me not to... I may be demoted for life." Steve admitted.

"Oh so you're coming?" Thor asked. "Any idea when?"

"Eeerh... About ten minutes from now." Steve admitted. "Aaaand, it's not just me. We are a couple of Shield operatives."

"Ah." Thor nodded. "Well, you can tell who-ever you are with. That if Shield wanted a tour of New Asgard they could just have asked," he stated. "I do not appreciate spying on my people. And you can tell them the only reason I will allow them inside is because of you, Steve Rogers, was so kind to actually call and be honest about the entire thing. You are honest towards me, so I shall be honest towards you."

Thor could actually hear Steve sigh relieved. "Honestly, I am just glad you're taking it this well."

"We fought alongside each other in battle," Thor stated. "I know you are a brave and honest warrior. You and Shield are not the same, I know this. I shall look forward to being seeing you, and your Shield colleagues may also look forward to a proper Asgardian welcome. I shall expect you to stay to feast and drink with us tonight. Perhaps then they'll know, we mean no harm."

"Thank you, your majesty." Steve breathed. "Well, I'll see you real soon."

"Please, as I said we fought alongside each other. It's Thor." Thor replied. "The others though, yes it is king Thor or your majesty for them. Thank you."

"All right. Thanks again, see you." Steve replied and finally hung up as Thor shook his head. Well, he should probably have seen this coming.

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