2381- 2400 Nangong

824 27 0

Chapter 2381 Chance 1

  However, Chu Yang gently pushed her away, took a deep breath, and shouted: "Go!"

  Then, Chu Yang took the lead to leave!

  Sister Yu looked at each other, and finally shook her head and left.

  In fact, the decision of the boss is correct. Since it is a loss for both sides, why do you need to make unnecessary sacrifices? But the aggrieved heart is affirmative.

  Su Luo is the most depressed at the moment.

  Finally killed them, but at this time, let them go like this. Isn't it because her efforts have fallen short?

  At the time when Su Luo was upset, suddenly, Captain Desperate said two words: "Wait!"

  Chu Yang turned angrily!

  "You!" The captain of the tricky thorn pointed at Xiao Luo, and said coldly: "Come here!"

  Normal people would be angry with that arrogant appearance, let alone Xiao Luo, a charming lady who has never suffered at all?

  Xiao Luo looked at her elder brother aggrievedly, without moving a step under her feet.

  Chu Yang stood in front of Xiao Luo and raised his eyes to look at Captain Weird: "What do you want."

  "Cure him, and our previous grudges will be wiped out." Captain Stabbing pointed at 064 who was lying on the ground with only a weak breath.

  The thorny thorn has always been inferior to Purgatory in terms of treatment, not to mention Xiao Luo herself is a Bright Master, she has already practiced healing techniques.

  Chu Yang was still thinking about it, but Xiao Luo was smug right now, and raised her lips: "You ask me to treat me? It's you who are you!"

  She was already aggrieved. Now she has to be treated with arrogance, and she feels very upset.

  Captain Stabbing ignored her and stared directly at Chu Yang, saying, "Human, you were the one who injured him. If he makes any mistakes, he will never die today!"

  After putting down these words, the icy gazes of Captain Desperate Scabbed from Chu Yang, Xiao Luo, Sister Yu, and Leng Qi one by one, engraving their faces deeply in his mind.

  His meaning is obvious, if people can't be saved, then everyone will fight!

  If it's all right, but now they have a task to do with each other, if they fight and die together, this is simply a joke.

  "Are you sure?" Chu Yang looked at Xiao Luo.

  If you are not sure, forget it, lest the person is put to death, and the other party will rely on them instead and make them fishy.

  Xiao Luo raised her eyes triumphantly, and sneered contemptuously: "It's all traumas. My light healing technique has reached the point where I can't cure such a skin trauma?"

  See Xiao Luo's message Absolutely, Captain Stabbing breathed a sigh of relief, and his tone changed: "As long as he is cured, you can leave, and the previous trading agreement will continue to be effective."

  Although Xiao Luo is arrogant, it is an extraordinary period. Under the eager expectation of her teammates, although she was in a bad mood, she still walked towards No. 064.

  At this time, the atmosphere is unprecedentedly harmonious.

  But Su Luo, who was hiding behind the wall, was in a bad mood.

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