Chapter 24

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My holler boomed over the room like thunderclap. Perhaps even people on the other side of the globe heard me.

Quinn just stared down at the phone in her hands as if it were a murder weapon. She had blanched and by all means it looked as if the alcohol had suddenly evaporated from her system.

"I – I sent it." She mumbled, guilty as a puppy who had peed in their owner's shoes.

"No shit!" I screamed, placing my glass on the table beside me whilst practically spilling my wine all over the carpet.

"See for yourself!" she shot, flinging the phone in my direction in a panicky motion.

"Get that shit away from me!" I hissed, ducking down as if it was a hot potato, and threw it back at her. "Delete it!"

"No, you delete it!" she wheezed, tossing it at me again.

"You sent it, you delete it!"

"Ah, shit!" Quinn exclaimed when amidst all the chaos my phone hit the edge of the glass table. It let out a devastating, cracking sound.

The two of us exchanged wide-eyed looks.

"Begone, you satanic device!" Quinn yelled, staring the phone down angrily and doing a crucifix with her hands.

"That's good, that's good," I tried to channel my panic into one coherent thought, but the alcohol was making it hella difficult. "If it's broken, that means he can't reply to me, and that means he can't call me, and that means I'll never die from embarrassment when I have to face him."

A cushion flew my way, hitting me in the head.

"You dumbass!" Quinn scowled. "He knows where you live!"

"Oh shit." I breathed. "Wait, how am I the dumbass?!"

"I just had the most brilliant idea!" she slurred, hurling herself towards me, grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me violently. The harsh stench of alcohol hit me in the face and I had to squint. "You should move to another country. Change your appearance completely. Assume a new identity! Something French, or Italian... You've always loved pasta. You could really pass for a Carla, or a Gianna."

I pushed her off of me with as much strength as I had and she tumbled over on the couch.

"Quinn, this is serious!" I exclaimed in an accusing tone, burying my face in my palms. I wanted to scream until I couldn't scream anymore and then perhaps I'd dig a hole and bury myself into it. "This is a disaster! I'm so mortified!"

"Well at least I'm trying to be helpful!" she said defensively.

"Helpful?!" I echoed incredulously. "You're part of the reason why I'm in this mess!"

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