Chapter 13

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At first I thought my eyes were deceiving me

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At first I thought my eyes were deceiving me. Professor Bak certainly wasn't one to frequent night clubs or just have any kind of fun.

Damn, I'm just now realizing how boring he is.

"Diane," he said and despite the dim lights, I could still see the scowl painted on his youthful face.

"Yes?" I asked sheepishly, still too taken aback to contemplate what he was even doing here.

"What are you doing here?" he was the first to ask me that question, leaving me confused.

"I'm... having fun I guess?" I was perplexed by his question. Wasn't it obvious what I was doing all dressed up in a club with a drink in my hand?

"Yes, I can see that." He regarded the cocktail glass next to me with disdain.

Um, okay?

"Great." I simpered, wanting nothing else except for this moment to end.

"You weren't returning any of my calls," he went on, not picking up on how uncomfortable I was by this situation. Okay, I admit it was my fault that I ditched him like that the other night, but at least I sent a half-assed decent apology text to him, didn't I?

God, I'm handing this so gracefully.

"Sorry, I was busy... with work and stuff." I admitted. Truth be told, I had noticed a couple of missed calls from him, but last night and today combined were so overwhelmingly hectic that I kinda just forgot about it.

Hyungsik scoffed a sneer which I didn't particularly appreciate. "Yeah. Busy."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I questioned, my eyes widened at the hostility of his stare.

"It means that I know what you busy yourself with most of the time." He replied.

"Hey!" Quinn, who up until now had participated in the scene solely through a silent glare, interjected angrily. "What kind of slut-shaming remark exactly are you implying, buddy?"

"Buddy?" Hyungsik raised his brows in mock amusement. "That's Professor Bak for you, Ms. Highmore, or you can kiss your Microbiology grade goodbye."

"This is enough," I put one arm in front of Quinn in an attempt to keep her rage at bay. I looked back at Hyungsik who wore a glint of spite in his eyes. "I think it would be best if you leave."

"Sending me away like one of your boy toys." He sneered, looming forward. "You have no idea who you're messing with."

My eyebrows shot sky high at the threatening tone of his voice. Oh my god, who is this person standing before me now? This is nothing like the kind, gentle man with a soft boyish charm I used to know Hyungsik as. What exactly does he expect me to do now? Bow down and apologize to him for not picking up my phone?

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