Chapter 20

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Diane's POV

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Diane's POV

"I'm falling for you, Diane."

Holy shit.

Lips slightly parted, I stared at Jimin sitting in front of me, his eyebrows slightly curled. He had the same look of astonishment painted over his beautiful features that I had, like he had managed to somehow surprise himself with his own words.

His face glowing with the iridescent moonlight bouncing off of his soft skin. He was so perfect. In that moment, he was the epitome of absolute perfection and I wondered how the hell was I even deserving to be in this man's presence.

As he regarded me with those large eyes full of wonder, my brain took on a brief crash course through my jumbled thoughts. He looked at me as if I were an art piece to be admired. The sensation made me squirm inwardly; as welcoming as I was to praise from men, something felt different now. Like all of my insecurities were coming to the surface. Laid bare. Jimin's penetrating gaze left me feeling so vulnerable.

My mind was starting to malfunction just like that time in the club. A couple more moments and I was going to spiral down into stupor again. The silence had gone on for so long that I could see Jimin's uneasiness creep on his features.

He was probably wondering if he'd said something wrong and honestly, I couldn't blame him. He had expressed his feelings in the most eloquent way possible and I was just standing there like a demented goldfish with my mouth open.

Think, Diane. Think!

Fuck. This was the man I had literally fallen on my face for. I swear to God, I'd never put on skates for anyone else. This meant something, even though I did not know what it was yet.

What had started out as something fun and simple was turning into something so confusing and complicated.

This was meant to be a fling, a one-night stand, a one-time fuck. Why was Park Jimin peering at me as if I could get him the moon?

Why did my heart soar when I heard him say those kind words to me?

Instead of laying out my response in words, I let my actions do the talking. When I realized my mind could not form a single sentence, I reached for him and slowly let my arms envelop his neck.

As if on command, Jimin's hands slithered around my waist and rested on the small of my back. He pulled me in his embrace, placing me in his lap as I straddled his hips. My head dipped down and as magnetically as ever, my lips found his once again.

All of my senses intensified as always whenever he kissed me. But this kiss was different. It was sweet and gentle as opposed to the feeling it brought that was so intense and strong.

Jimin's hands roamed my body tenderly, slipping from my waist down to my hips. Wherever his fingertips touched, they washed a part of my own shame away. The feeling was bittersweet, like being stripped of a layer of clothing you've walked around in for way too long. I've carried my pain inside of me for such a long time I'd become used to it. It'd become a part of me and I was comfortable with it.

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