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617 13 49

9 months pregnant
Date: 12/7/19 (I counted)

When I woke up I realized Jordan and I had taken a nap, the time was about 3:00pm

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When I woke up I realized Jordan and I had taken a nap, the time was about 3:00pm. I got up decided to take a cold shower. Due to my hair I grabbed a headband so it'd stay out of my face but, at least I wasn't getting puke in my hair. When I got out the shower Jordan was still asleep so I just went in the living room and drank some water, I turned on the TV and started watching Supernatural.

1 hour later

I was about to change the show until I heard my phone beep. I looked at it and saw a message from the last person I expected a message from.

Him: Mom where did you put my blue hoodie
Him: Sorry wrong number whoever this is
You: It's fine really

I honestly thought I blocked him. He was such a good friend until he got a little obsessive. Asher too. But now I have Camden and Dillon. JJ too I guess. I changed the TV to The Vampire Diaries.
2 hours later

I stood up to go put my cup in the sink but, on my way back to the couch my water broke. It wet my socks and it was gross.
"JORDAN" I yelled and in response he immediately ran to to me
"What happened- holy fuck" He fainted
"Ugh" I groaned in frustration. I picked up my phone and called Olivia

What's up
Can you bring me to the hospital
Why what happened
My water broke and your brother fainted
Omg on my way

When Liv got there

"Hey, hey come on to the car" JJ helped me to the car while Olivia poured water on Jordan, and Spencer packed a bag. When I got into JJ's car he put the air on and turned on some calming music or music I listen to according to him.

Time: 6:30
At the hospital when your signed in
Everyone except Olivia leaves to get food and Jordan is getting a check up

"How are you feeling" She sits next to me on the bed
'"It's hot, this little girl is kicking me, and I'm on IV's" I smiled scrolling through my phone
"Your strong but, I wonder how Jordan is" She shrugs
"I think he's ok considering his recent post" I show her

"How are you feeling" She sits next to me on the bed'"It's hot, this little girl is kicking me, and I'm on IV's" I smiled scrolling through my phone "Your strong but, I wonder how Jordan is" She shrugs"I think he's ok considering his recent post" ...

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