1- Closer To You

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The wind was blowing softly, taking Alex's  curtains with it in a playful wave. The said boy was laying on his bed with a goofy smile on his face, ear bud in one ear. His head rested on his arms, and his feet lay dangling from over the bed's edge.

Alex felt serene with the beautiful voice of the singer he was listening to, and the soft fuzzy fabric of his yellow sweater. "Alex!? Alex! Where are you?" Around this time Alex had closed his eyes while drifting away.
He startled back to awareness at the sound of his older sister's voice. "Ah, Jiejie! I'm in here," he called taking the ear bud out, then turned to face his open door, waiting for his sister's arrival.

"Ai haun. Why are you just lazing around? You should be packing." She came and sat down on the bed with him. Alex pulled on a pout and playfully latched onto his jiejie's arm. "But I'm so tired of all the packing," he whined. "Hah! Jie, how about you help me!" He grinned his bunny smile. "Tsk. You're so lazy didi. Come, I'll help you this once." "Yay!" The boy cheered in small victory. "You're going to another country by yourself, what will you do without me?" The girl murmured to herself.

"Hmm. I'd probably be a lost cause without you jiejie." She made a playful attempt to hit him for that.

"You are basically an adult now. Act like it." Alex pouted. "Mhm~! So much work." "Ai Huan-" "Ah!"
He stood up. "My new name is Alex now." She rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips. "Pack," she stated sternly before exited.

Alex mocked her quietly then also looking to see if she heard or seen, before continuing to pack.


The plane ride over was long and boring. Alex put his ear bud into his left ear again then closed his eyes to get drowned into the sweet, melodious sound of the music.

'Baby take me hand. I want you to be my best friend.'

'Cause you're my Iron Man, and I love you 3000.'

'Baby take a chance, cause I want this to be something, straight out of a Hollywood movie.'

Sure enough he was lulled into sleep.


Before hand, Alex had met a friend online through his uncle, to be his guide while here in America. The guide was another boy around his age who he's supposed to meet at the airport.

Alex was mediocre at best when it came to reading and understanding English. So a person holding the sign that said 'Welcome, Alex!' Was good enough to go by.

"Are you...Alex Wei?" Alex nodded happily while munching on a granola bar. The guy on the left was just about as tall as Alex himself, but the guy holding the sign was shorter than both of them. "Hi, I'm Zachary and this is my fiancé; Jay. Follow us please."

Alex didn't say anything instead thinking about when and should he text his jiejie about his safe arrival.

However the excited butterflies in his stomach did not calm down with the knowledge that he was one step closer to his childhood friend.

Zachary was trying to keep a steady conversation with him while the other guy, Jay was just as quiet as ever. Alex did notice him watching him in the rearview mirror from time to time. Meanwhile Alex has gone through 4 granola bars.

They dropped him off at his uncle's estate after exchanging phone numbers. Alex gave them an  enthusiastic wave with his signature bunny smile then stood there until they left. He sighed before entering the estate.

It was small but still bigger than the average home. Modern yet slightly homey. But lonely as much as inviting.

 But lonely as much as inviting

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"Tch. I bet he's going to say it's mine to myself." Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but Alex- no- Ai Huan, was use to having someone with him. He wasn't exactly dependent but, everyone in some way treated him like that because of his many, uh, issues.

Alex squared his shoulders and marched confidently into the house, pushing the doors open with a calculating look.

Almost immediately his uncle greeted him.

"Xiao Huan, my boy! How are you? Are you tired? Here let me get that for you." "Tsk, uncle. I can carry it." "No, no. You must be jet-lagged from the drastically different time zones! Go rest my dear boy."

His uncle was a charismatic, kind guy. He cared deeply for both AiHuan and ShuLan.
They've always thought of him as a father much more than their own. Especially when both their parents died and their uncle had taken them in. The man is a literal bleeding heart, and just like always, those type can be their own downfall.

But don't get it wrong. If you wrong him or any of his family, he'll make you pay. He can be just as scary as much as he is kind. And he is really, really kind.

"You just rest up and I've already ordered dinner." His uncle patted him on the back then headed for the door. "Oh, uh, uncle! Are you going back?" Back meaning to Beijing. His uncle smiled sadly. "Yes. I have some things to clear up. It seems that if I'm away all hell just breaks loose at the company."

Alex's lips quirked up at that. "Ah, excuse my language. Those incompetent brats. Oh and uh, Zachary and them, they're good people. You can trust them." He gave one last smile and then left.

Once again he was alone. Alex had no problem with that, it was just Ai Huan.

Alex went upstairs.


Before getting ready for bed he stopped and paused to gaze fondly at the picture he had of his elementary class.

There was one boy in particular that he ran his thumb over. The boy was 2 people over from him. He didn't smile in fact he was frowning as if not wanting to be there. Ai Huan smiled wider at the real reason for that frown.

"Lee-gē, why were you frowning during picture?"

The boy stayed silent and frowned more until finally he spoke. "Because a Huan wasn't closer to me."

Shaking away the memory Alex put the picture back. That was the only picture he had of the boy. "Ah, just you wait Lee An Ni. I'll be closer to you in no time!"

He flicked off the lamp then got into bed.




A/N: sorry if some of these terms are wrong. I tried my best with my research. Don't be afraid to kindly correct me and give tips. Thanks for stopping by! Stay peachy and stay safe. CIAO!!

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