3- Bunny Employee

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Max really didn't like that type. The overly loud and obnoxious type. That's what he was. He had a adorably cu- ahem, smile for no reason. He seemed to brighten up a room every time he enters it. The overly bubbly and friendly type. Gosh it reminded him of that boy!

Max hated that boy. He hated him because he no real reason to. He hated him because he felt guilty. He hated him because he made him feel at all. But most importantly, he hated him because he hates him, when all the boy ever did was love him. Damned if Max felt the same way.

Max did such a terrible thing to the boy he loves. He'd hurt him. Caused him to be gossiped about like he was an object that lost its value. But his A Huan never lost his value in his eyes. Max wouldn't blame him if the boy hated him.

If only, if only he could have gotten the chance to apologize. Then maybe, maybe Max wouldn't feel so guilty then. Right? That's why he feels so guilty right? It's because he never apologized right? No other reason....right?

"Max?" "Max!" "MAX!" "Huh?" He was snatched out of his thoughts by Sara. Sara was a nice girl. Very attractive and cute. But strangely Max couldn't feel anything for her, or anybody for that matter! But oh and behold the new costumer arrives and now Max is feeling things. Max hates him. He really hates.

"Are you okay? You've been really spaced out all morning." Sara was Max's friend. He was teaching her Mandarin in exchange she helps him detect the right and worth it K-Fashion items when they're trending.

"Erm, I'm sorry." "Aish, why are you apologizing for!? Everyone spaces out Max." "Mhm." I just hummed. That guy is going to be a problem. "By the way we have a new co-worker. I think their name is... Alice...Ally...something like that!" It's fine. As long as he doesn't have to interact with them as much. Or at all. He is very fine by himself thank you. Or with Sara. Sara is cool he guess.

The bell to the door rung signaling a customer has arrived. "Hello, I'm Alex Wei. I'll be working here for now on. Please take care of me!" His heart stopped then started pounding rapidly in his chest.

He was for sure Sara could hear it. "Ah, Alex! Yes that's it!" Sara turned around and spotted the guy from before. Meanwhile my eyes never left him. "You!?" Exclaimed Sara. "It's you! Oh how lucky I am to be working with handsome men all around!" She cooed. Even though she was taking about him, his- Alex's- eyes never left mine. I felt heat creep up my neck.

How can someone be so cute yet so hot at the same time?! Max knew that those types were a dangerous one. Argh! What are these thoughts!?

He is being very gay right now!

"Ahem." He cleared his throat. "I'm going to the back for a few minutes. Excuse me." "Oh? What's wrong with him lately?" He heard Sara mumble.


Alex couldn't contain the excitement from being able to be around Max all day. However every chance they got to be alone Max would either outright ignore him or find some way to escape quickly. Aiyah! This was all so frustrating! Why is An Ni being this way! They were really close as kids why not now!? Sometimes he wish he could just tell him who he was and confront him.

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