Principle of Nature

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I woke up, realizing today would be just another boring day. WAIT! I was going on a date with the Omceler!
I hurried to get ready, and rushed to pick an outfit. I picked my best jeans, with a thneed based sweater, in an amazing emerald green, to match his suit.
I skipped breakfast, hoping he'd take me to get something later, and brushed my teeth. As I did, I thought about the kiss, and blushed.

I lounged around for a little while before hearing a knock at my door. I opened it (naturally) and there he was!
"Heyyy" he said with a smirk.
"Howdy" I replied.
"Ready to see some thneeds?" He asked, before laughing at how silly it sounded.

As we walked outside I saw a beautiful green limo, and it was FOR US!!
We stopped at a local cafe and got coffee and some fancy pastries , for free of course. The barista CLEARLY had a crush on him, and i couldn't stand it.
But what's worse was, he was flirting back! I was furious, and admittedly very jealous of that little bitch.
As we sat down to eat, I guess I looked depressed or something because he says
"What's wrong Aaron?"
Before I can answer SHE comes back with our food.
"Thanks dearest" he says, casually patting her hand and winking.
"Anyways what we're you saying?" He asked, his eyes still on her ass as she walked away.
"I... I guess I just thought that this was a..."
"Yes? A what?" he said kindly
"You know... a date" i whispered, blushing into the croissant i had ordered.
"It is silly!" He said with a chuckle.
"With me, or with that twit" I said angrily.
He looked shocked. "Come here" he said, and he grabbed my hand before pulling me over time and kissing me passionately!
We kissed until I needed air. "Does that answer your question" he said playfully. "W-wow"

Our time at the factory was fun, sneaking off and kissing, holding hands, and trying on various thneeds.

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