A little break from the angst :3

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(AN: hey guys! so sorry for the long absence, school has started up :< but its fall break now!! I wanted to give some fluff before jumping back into the angsty mess that is this romance

This happens a couple months before aaron finds out about everything in the forests)

"Hey my little Truffula" the Onceler said as he walked into his and Aaron's shared apartment. Aaron rolled his eyes at the silly nickname

"Hey Thneedman" he replied, knowing that the Onceler found this pet name equally cheesy. He laughed as he sat down and took off his hat. "Make anything interesting out of the new filament I gave you?" Oncey asked, as Aaron was hunched over a 3d printer. The Onceler had recently developed a special Truffula filament specifically for Aaron!!!

"Yes actually!" Aaron smiled and turned around before proudly holding out a miniature top hat. It was smooth and the print was practically seamless thanks to the new material. "I made it to celebrate the first thing I ever printed you. Do you remember that?" he asked sweetly.

The Onceler smiled at his love, thinking about how adorable it was that he was so excited over a little hat. He walked up to Aaron and took the hat in his hand, before gently placing it on his head. In a fake deep voice he turned and said "How do I look?" while making a silly face.

Aaron chuckled, and said "Spectacular" before planting a kiss on his cheek

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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