Fifteen | Back to work

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" L E W I S "

- One week passes -

"Boss?" Chris, my beta says walking into my office.

"What?" I say blankly.

"It's Bailey." He says. Chris watches her on the one camera in the kitchen. Just to make sure she is safe.

"What is wrong with her?" I ask, trying to hold my tongue and cool down.

"She isn't eating." He answers.

But Bailey loves food. Why wouldn't she be eating? "Does she seem sick?" I ask.

"She seems to have had a cough a few days ago, but it's since gone." He answers. "It seems as though she just shows no interest in it." Chris explains.

"So send pizzas, and high calorie foods that people tend to crave with ner next box for the month. Which should arrive in two days." I ordered.

"Yes, Sir." He says before leaving.

Just them, I get a call, it's Joseph. "What?" I snap.

"This battle is almost over. How is my girl?" He says.

"She is fine." I answer.

"That's reassuring." He mumbles.

"What was that?" I grunt.

"You haven't been very clear on my daughter's whereabouts." He says with a temper.

"I know where she is. That's all you need to know. Why do you even care?" I snap.

"It might not seem like it, but she is my daughter. And I love her very much." He answers.

"No. Are you going to take her to the Gala with you?" Joseph asks.

My heart aches as I answer him. "No. She will not be joining us at the Gala. If that is all I have to go."

"Well-" I cut him off anyway.

I hang up the phone and plop it on my desk. I loosen my tie and lean back into my chair. Why do I always have to be such a jerk all the time? So much so she wanted to leave. I know she doesn't care about me not one bit, but I can't help but wonder if she missed me.

God! Stop! She doesn't miss me. I am a disgusting monster. She is happy I am long gone. I am a fearless leader with no weaknesses.

"Boss?" Chris is back.

"What." I spit.

"We have a last minute meeting." He states.

"Do we? Who?" I snap rustling my hair with my fingers. I am so exhausted.

"Says me." Charlie Wang walks into my office. "How've you been, son?" He asks.

I take a moment to process this. What is he doing here? Is something coming? "I am doing fine, Boss. How about you." I stand up and tighten my tie.

"Busy, very busy." He states.

"I bet, with the Gala coming up." I say.

"That is correct You'll be there right?" Charlie asks.

"Wouldn't miss it Boss." I answer.

"Shall we go some place more private?" Charlie suggests.

"Of course." I say hesitantly. I put on my suit jacket. "This way."

I lead Charile through the long halls of the palace to the side deck. We take a seat and two maids bring us out water, and appetizers. I would ask for a real drink, but I feel like this isn't a drinking matter.

"So, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I ask him.

"Must I have a reason?" He counters.

"Well you've taken time out of your very busy life to fly here, and meet with me." I state.

"Well, I guess I've noticed you've been around the world a bit too. Ending up here in Porta, Spain." He questions, drinking some water.

"I need a change." I lied.

"Don't lie to me son. You can tell me." He pushes.

"I am serious." I replied.

"You've been here, Las Vegas, then Florida, halfway over the Atlantic, to Seattle, and back here again in about two months. Are you running from someone?" He really knows everything.

I hope he knows nothing about Bailey though.

"I am running from no one Sir." I answer truthfully.

"Good because someone that makes you run scares me." He lets out a chuckle patting my shoulder. I join his laughter.

"Anything else, Sir?" I ask him.

"No, that is it. Just wanting to check up on you." We stand from our chairs. I put my hand out for him to shake, he takes it with a firm grip. "It was nice seeing you again, Sir." I say as he lets go.

"It's always a pleasure." Charlie says with a salute.

As soon as he is out of sight, I let out a large breath. Charlie and I are cool, but he is so intimidating. The only thing going through my mind was the fact he had people watching my every move, and if I posed any threat to him I'd be killed. Charlie is a powerful man.

With the Gala coming all tensions are high with Joseph and his beef. I hope it all flattens out by the time for the Gala. If not it could be very catastrophic. Charlie and his wife Brittney go full out of the Gala each year, sparing no expense. I actually enjoy going to the event sometimes.

But this might be a very interesting Gala, that is for sure. 

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