Chapter 1-

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   Jessica's POV

     (before you start reading this i want you too know it may be boring in the begining. but i PROMISE it will be exciting starting in chapter two. )

     I jumped out of bed at 7:15 in the morning to start packing for this weekend. Today wasn't like any other day. Todat was the day i was leaving to see my favorite boy band in the world. One Direction. Not only was i going to see them, i was going to MEET them. I've been waiting for this day since Christmas. Tommorow was going to be the best night of my life! I was ready and packed to  head to Tampa at 9:29. When my mother yelled for me to start packing the car up, i grabbed my luggage and ran to the car. We live in Tallahaseee and the concert is in Tampa. I jumped in the car and buckled up.I honked the horn for my mom to come. I'm 17 turning 18 next month and I can drive but three hours is a long way to drive. My mother came out and she hopped in the car. "Ready to go sweetie?' she said. I looked at her with a stupid look on my face "That was a dumb question Mom. Of course im excited!" I pulled out my Midnight Memories CD and popped it in the radio. I skipped a couple songs until i reached "Strong". This song meant so much to me and my mom knew it. I put a smile on my face and started singing the lyrics. "My hands, your hands tied up like two ships. Drifting, weightless waves try to break it. I'd do anything to save it. Why is it so hard to say it." We got into the right lane to turn onto the highway. "ONE DIRECTION HERE WE COME" I say as i turn up the radio.

     I eventually fell asleep, but when i woke up we were at the hotel the boys were staying at! I looked out my window to see a bunch of girls, and paparazzi standing around the hotel doors. My mom parked, and we got out. I ran to the doors and my mother yelled at me. "JESSICA GET BACK-" and thats all i heard because of the crowd of girls i was in.

    I saw Niall peek his head out of their hotel room. Only a couple people noticed and started crying and fangirling. He waved and opened the window. At this point i was crying. In his cute Irish accent he yelled "HELLO TAMPA, FLORIDA!" and immediently shut the window. My mom ran towards me with the luggage and pulled my arm into the hotel. I saw a big man in all black clothes. I imediently knew it was a body guard. We checked in and headed up to our room. It was officially 1:45 in the afternoon and i was extremly tired. I plugged in my phone and flopped onto my bed. I fell asleep thinking about how awesome tommorow was going to be.

     I woke up to the sound of screaming girls down my hall. I ran outside my hotel room to see a door open a little bit down the hall and saw a figure with curly brown hair. I started screaming my head off and woke up my mom. I ran down the hall and pushed through the crowd of girls. By the time i got there the door was officially closed. Paul was standing outside the door Harry ran into. I stood with a couple girls outside their door for about an hour and a half before i wwent back to my room. I was going to sleep to get ready for the best night of my life tommorow.

Author's Note:

Thank you guys so much for reading this! How about 5 comments and 5 votes for the next chapter! You all are so wonderful and together we can make this a wonderful book!

Down below leave your name and a description of you to be in the book! Oh and your favorite boy so you can be their girlfriend Below there are the boys that are open and their spots:

Liam's Girlfriend:

Zayn's Girlfriend:

Harry's Girlfriend:

Niall's best friend:


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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