Chapter 10

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Third Person Perspective

The Next Evening...

As Maki sat in the living room of her family's home, Mrs. Nishikino walked over and sat beside Maki and said "Maki, as I was spending some time in the garden yesterday afternoon, I overheard your conversation with Y/n as you returned home yesterday."

Maki looked up from what she had been doing, and after realizing what her mother said she began to blush and said "So you know that me and Y/n are-"

"In a relationship, yes." Mrs. Nishikino said "As this is rather big news, I spoke to your father about it and we thought to invite Y/n to join us for dinner this next week so we can speak about this." She then put her hand on her daughter's shoulder "I know Y/n is a good kid and so if you two are happy together then I'm more than happy for you two. But your father only met him once so he would feel better to get to know him if you're gonna be in a relationship with him."

Maki nodded "If that's what you and Papa want, then I can ask him some time this week." she then said to her mother "And Mama... I don't really know much about relationships but I really do love Y/n... so if at some point I need any advice, would it be okay to talk to you?"

Mrs. Nishikino hugged Maki and said "Of course you can Maki."


Y/n's Perspective

It's been a few days since me and Maki's date and since then, I've been in a really great mood. As class came to an end for the day, I checked the notifications for a bit when I saw Maki approach my desk.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked

"Y/n, it turns out that my mom overheard what we were saying when we were saying our goodbyes after our date." Maki said

"So Mrs. Nishikino knows about us going out?" I said

"Yeah, and the day after our date, she said she talked to Papa about it and they asked me to invite you over for dinner this weekend." Maki said.

So they want to talk to me about my intentions with their daughter or something? Mrs. Nishikino has always been really kind to me and while I haven't spoken to Mr. Nishikino much, he seemed like a good person, so I don't really see much point in worrying about things.

"Alright, just tell me when exactly they want me to come and I'll be there." I responded

"Alright, I'll tell Mama that when I get home and I'll send you a text with them." Maki said

I then got up from my seat and suggested "Now how about we walk together to our clubs?"


The Following Sunday

As I walked up the path approaching the Nishikino household, as much as I had felt like it was nothing to worry about in the days leading up to this, I was admittedly starting to feel a bit nervous. What if in the end they don't approve of our relationship? I stopped walking and smacked myself on the face, hitting my cheek. I need to get those thoughts out of my head, and even if they didn't approve in the end, as long as me and Maki are happy together, who cares whether or not they approve. I took a deep breath and approached the front entrance to the Nishikino household. I rang the doorbell and after a moment, it was opened by Mrs. Nishikino.

"Hey Mrs. Nishikino." I said, raising my hand in greeting.

"Hello Y/n. Please come on in." she said, stepping aside for me to enter. I stepped inside and she closed the door behind me. "Maki and my husband are both already in the living room."

I followed her to the living room, where I saw Maki sitting across from her father.

"Hey." I said as we approached them. I went and sat beside Maki while Mrs. Nishikino sat with Mr. Nishikino.

Mr. Nishikino looked at me and said "So I understand that you're in a relationship with my daughter."

"Yes I am Mr. Nishikino." I responded

"What exactly are your intentions with my daughter?" He asked.

"Honey-" Mrs. Nishikino exclaimed, seemingly surprised with him stating it so plainly.

I figured one of them would want to know about this kind of thing. I replied to him, "Your daughter has become an important person to me and I want to be by her side and support her." From the corner of my eye, I could see Maki blush slightly. Cute.

"In the future, Maki is going to go into medicine and become a doctor like her mother and I so I worry that your relationship may become a distraction to her." Mr. Nishikino said

"Papa, there's no way that he would distract me." Maki protested

"It's like Maki said, I swear." I said

Mrs. Nishikino placed her hand over her husband's and he said "Well if it won't distract her and you two are happy together, then I have no qualms with you two being in a relationship."

After that topic of conversation passed, me and the Nishikino family continued to speak for a while until dinner had been completed. We ate together and after converses for a while longer, it was time for me to head home. As I stood up, Maki walked out with me.

As we stepped out the front door, I said "After that first thing, tonight was nice."

"Once Papa brought up his concern about us dating distracting me, I was a little worried that he would be hard to convince otherwise." Maki commented

"Yeah, that was a possibility that popped into my head, but I don't know your dad well enough to have it be anything more than a thought." I said

"Hey Y/n, about me being an important person to you.." Maki said, her voice trailing off.

"It's one hundred percent true. You're an extremely important person to me." I said

Maki, blushing fiercely came close to me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. It was short, but it made me pretty happy. "I love you Y/n." She said afterwards.

"I love you too." I replied, probably with a goofy smile on my face "I'm sorry but I need to be heading home soon. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"I'll see you then." Maki said.

Soon after I began my walk home, my first kiss with Maki having improved my mood all the more.


A/n: Now I know that my stories typically have somewhere around twelve chapters each, but due to the way I want to take this story, you can expect it to be more than that by a few.

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