Chapter 14

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It's been eight months since Maki returned to Japan and albeit a bit nervously, I think I may be close enough to who I want to be for her that I'm ready to propose to her. I was planning to do it tonight when she returned home, but as I began the drive home, a pain around my navel which I had been trying to brush off for the past couple days, began to feel more intense. When I reached our apartment, I went inside and , after going to grab the ring from where I hid it, decided to rest in the living room for a while.

As I stayed there, the pain spread to the right side of my abdomen and was getting more and more difficult to ignore. I started to feel nauseous and so I decided that there was something wrong and tried to get up, only to see Maki open the front door.

"Maki, I think I may need to go to the hospital or something." I said, trying to ignore the pain as I spoke.

"What's wrong?" Maki asked. I explained to her about the pain and the nausea and everything, to which she responded "Let's get you to the hospital." Looking at her, it seemed like she was trying to hide her worry.


"Judging from the symptoms, it sounds like it may be appendicitis" the doctor said, "You'll be getting a laparoscopic appendectomy within the next few hours."

I nodded "Alright."

The doctor then explained to me the specifics about how my recovery will be then turned to leave. As the doctor left, I faced Maki and joked "Y'know, this isn't exactly how I wanted to spend this evening."

"I can't imagine it would be." Maki said "Still, it's a good thing that we got you here before it could burst."

"Yeah... that does not sound like a good thing." I replied. I then took a hold of her hand and said "I'll just have to get this over with so we can return to normal."

Still, as much as I tried to be positive about the current situation, I couldn't help but be annoyed. I had plans to make this a special evening for me and Maki and now those plans have been completely screwed. The question is what now? Do I wait for another opportunity to make it special or do I just go for it?

I sighed and mumbled to myself "I'll figure it out afterwards."

"Huh?" Maki responded

"Oh nothing. I guess I ended up thinking aloud." I said


As I woke up, I was confused for a moment due to the unfamiliar ceiling until I remembered the whole thing about the appendectomy. The doctor said that I should be able to leave the hospital tomorrow at the latest but until then I'm stuck here. I'm admittedly pretty bored too since Maki said she'd come by after classes and while I do have my phone on me, it's not like I thought to grab my charger so the charge on that is pretty limited. Well there is a tv on the wall, but the remote is nowhere in sight so unless I can find that, I may just pass the time by going back to sleep. Maybe I should have asked the doctor if it's fine to leave the bed but as I don't know, I'm kind of unsure about trying it. I dunno if it could affect the stitches or something. As I couldn't seem to see the remote, I decided to just head back to sleep.

When I woke up again, somebody was entering the room, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes so my vision wasn't so blurry.

"Oh, hey Mrs. Nishikino." I said

"Hey Y/n, I thought I'd come see how you were doing while on my lunch break. I'm surprised you were still asleep though." Mrs. Nishikino said

"I'd like to save my phone charge until Maki comes by later since she said she'd bring me my charger when she came to see how I was doing. Besides that I don't really have anything to do." I replied

"Can you not find the remote to the tv?" Mrs. Nishikino asked

"I haven't been able to find it." I answered, "Actually, give me a sec." I leaned over to open the drawer on the side of the bed. I dunno why I didn't think to check this place earlier, but in my defense, I am pretty oblivious to the obvious. I didn't find the remote in there but what was in plain view after opening the slim drawer was the engagement ring I had stowed in there the night before when Maki wasn't in the room.

Mrs. Nishikino smiled and said "Is that what I think it is?"

I nodded "Yeah, truth be told I was planning to propose to her when she came home last night, but then this whole thing happened and I already had it in my pocket when we ended up heading here. Now, I still haven't decided whether or not I want to wait for another opportunity to make the evening special."

Mrs. Nishikino then said "You know, when my husband proposed to me, it was after we both got off from an extremely busy shift in the hospital we were working at. We were both exhausted and wanted to just go to sleep, but he told me that he didn't want to wait another day to hear my answer." She then paused for a moment "What I'm trying to say is that you don't need to wait for a moment to make it special. If you two both love each other, it will be special no matter what time you propose."
I nodded "Thanks for the advice."

"Well why wouldn't I help my future son-in-law?" Mrs. Nishikino said "Now I better go have some lunch. Glad to see you're doing well enough."

Mrs. Nishikino then left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts and a tv I can't find the remote to. I may be a bit more annoyed by that than I should.


Later that afternoon, Maki entered my hospital room. "So how are you holding up?" Maki asked

"I'm doing better. I should be able to leave tomorrow." I responded

"That's good to hear." Maki said

"By the way Maki, do you remember how I had been talking about how I wanted to spend the evening yesterday?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well the truth is, I wanted to do this." I said before I pulled the box from where I had placed it beside me. "Maki Nishikino, will you marry me?"

With a slight blush on her cheeks, Maki smiled and said "Of course I'll marry you."

We embraced each other and shared a kiss before I placed the ring onto her finger. Mrs. Nishikino was right, even without trying to make this moment into something special, this wonderful moment is one I'll treasure for as long as I live.


A/n: The reason I had so much trouble with this chapter was that while there was a time I spent a while in the hospital, I don't remember much, leading to trouble trying to write and more research than I typically do. Also, this chapter was inspired by an episode from one of my favorite tv shows, Scrubs.

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