chap stick 2 🤼‍♂️

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hi poopoos

Just as we left our main character the last chapter, he had still not gotten over his.. well.. dillema. His heart still pounded whenever he was in close proximity to Mr Dinosaur, and he felt like he would melt from the heat radiating from his cheeks at any moment.

Except... instead of in his cozy bedroom, he was at the beach with his family, and of course, Mr Dinosaur was essential for any outing. Without him, outings wouldn't be fun, after all, and maybe he would have thrown a huge messy temper tantrum that would crash the car around 5000 times while he was at it, and possibly scream his lungs out. Anyways, basically, without Mr Dinosaur, an outing wasn't fun, and he would maybe be put into juvenile prison for attempted murder of his sweet and lovely family if they refused to go back home to retrieve his beloved Mr Dinosaur. But that's beside the point.

Now now, our main focus is the beatiful summer day trip, sure to be chock full of fun and joy, happiness and-the scorching hot summer heat. Or so, that WAS what was supposed to happen. So as such, George's foolproof plan of making yet another "suave" move on mr dinosaur could not be carried out due to the pouring rain, drumming on the car windows on their way home. (If carried out, I seriously doubt that it would have worked, but rather miserably fail again) so their dream beach day thus resulted in the following- Daddy Pig driving them to their jolly home, with hallmark christmas music blasting through the car radios, Mummy Pig yapping about from some old story about her friends, and Peppa animatedly talking about school, George had to solemnly sit there in the stuffy small car, basking in the coldness of the summer rain, and ultimately, putting his hand on the car window as water droplets dripped down, acting like he was in an emo Justin Beaver(add tm sign here) music video. not to mention, Mr Dinosaur snug by his side. In attempt to look suave and cool, george tried to subtly put his short arm behind and around dino's soft head, and suprisingly, succeeded. (That is if you minus him being more flustered than the other party over it, and starting to sweat profusely part 2) and to george's joy, remained that way until they reached home.

"George, let's go," Peppa remarked, getting out of the family car. Heeding to Peppa's words, George shyly smiled at Mr Dinosaur and slid out of the sticky car seat, making sure to bring Mr Dinosaur without any reprucussions of the cheeto dust from Peppa's cheeto spree. "Let's go home."

As George entered his shared room with Peppa, he gently placed Mr Dinosaur on the floor, making sure to sit at eye level. They sat in fond, loving silence for a few seconds. "Hi," George said, staring intently into Mr Dinosaur's eyes. George knew Mr Dinosaur was a dino of little words, and George was a pig of little words too, but George wanted to say something to see if it could profess his love indirectly. Mr Dinosaurs eyes sparkled and george could feel his cheeks redden at the prolonged time of eye contact, feeling the tension radiating. George could not resist the urge to giggle from the sheer embarassment of the situation, and the humour in the silence. Although it may have been silence to other common pigs, George knew and understood the words from Mr Dinosaur that filled the gaps of no sound, and every subtle sign and change in him. George knew and understood Mr Dinosaur, and he thought, Mr Dinosaur was the best piggy- no, dino-after all. "You're the best," george snorted, giggling playfully as he wrapped his favourite green soft toy in his arms, locking him in a warm embrace. There was no beach day, and he could not carry out the plan on making a "suave" move he wanted to, but George still loved spending time with his beloved Mr Dinosaur just the same. (and maybe even made some progress yuh)

wow so quirky 😎👍

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