Chapter 1

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It was in the first year of training, was the most unpleasant for me. I was a rookie and had to earn my fair keep around the boot camp. Everything was simple and easy. Respect, obey, and be willing. Three simple things that I will never forget. The rain is heavily falling from the sky, showing no mercy on my once dry skin. I'm running with the other cadets. Sargent had the whole platoon doing miles everyday, fighting, training, breaking and building us up, every hour and every second of the day.

I was working my way to become a weapons specialist. Weapons is what I take high interesting In. Knives, guns, bombs, you name It. I can work with and operate It with ease.
We ran through the woods on the muddy trail, stomping on the thick mud that covered the moist ground. It was disgusting but I didn't mind. Though, running through all of this had an unease feeling to my feet.

"Keep up magnets! Move it, move it!" The Sargent says and all of us obeys his simple, but yet difficult command.
We were on our way back to the camp because things are getting aggressively violent out here In mother nature's stomping grounds. The wind was blowing more roughly, making the rain's contact with the skin, feel like being cut by miniature knives.

The trees swayed back and fourth and the Lightning and thunder was startling.

"Come on Buchanan, keep up. I want to go home. Don't want to have to keep an eye on you" Sargent yells to me.

"Yes sir! I am sir!" I reply looking straight forward, not breaking from my visuals in front of me.
We are almost there, I can see the faint glow of lights coming from the camp.

"You're slowing down now Bucky boy." A tall blonde name Raymond says smirking at me.

I keep my face straight and keep running. We've finally made it to the camp, but something is wrong. I see Sargent stop and he is looking around. There are broken branches that litter the ground and a few bodies lay still in the mud.
Every one stops,
whispering to one another, startled and confused.

"What's going on?" Raymond asks me.

"I don't know." Is all I manage to say. I try to look past all the other cadets.
Suddenly, there is a loud noise, and it doesn't take long to realize that it was a gun fire. The Sargent has been shot in his head, and blood splatters out and he falls.

Every one panics scattering in different directions. People dressed in all black with metallic masks ambush them, ambushes us, and groups us up with force. Some of the cadets get shot and other forced to kneel on the ground. The symbol they wore on them were of the Soviet Union. Russians? Here? I am grouped up with the others and they but a bag over our heads, and of course mine.

I here them speaking In their language. Some I can understand, only due to the fact that I studied It for about two years In my spare time. As of right now, I'm a terrified 18 year old who is now a hostage to a group of Russians along with other cadets.
I feel the truck, hitting every bump on the road and with every bump, it startles me.

The truck then stops and the powerful engine is shut off. I hear the clicking of a door opening and shutting and then again. I feel a pair of hands grab me and pulls me out of the back of the truck. I fall on the ground landing in what feels like soft moist mud. They then drag me by the neck of my collar. Momentarily , they remove the bag over my head pushing me into what looks like a cage.

I'm trapped in here with other cadets.

"What's going?" A boy with glasses and short brunette hair says.

"Why is this happening?" A slim guy with strawberry blonde hair says.

"I don't want to die!" A dirty blonde, tiny guy says, nearly sobbing.

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