Hold up, wait a minute

30 3 1

I woke up to niall and Cammy cuddling on the couch. I didn't know what else to do but just to get up and walk away I mean I kinda felt j-j-JEALOUS........I have never been soooo jealous in my life!! What is wrong with me.......... I mean I don't even understand its niall were talking about here. Niall the one who farted in a jar and opened it to our teacher on April fool day. I mean I don't even understand why I am feeling this way I mean I don't like him or anything..... Well maybe I do but maybe I don't. But when I look over there and see him all cuddly with cam I don't know I just want to throw Cameron and take her spot next to him. Ooooh maybe I don't like him maybe I'm just mad cuz Cameron Cuz didn't give me back my shirt back that I Gave her. Yea that's why I just don't want her to be happy Cuz she has my shirt!!!! NO that's not whyyy I think I might have a thing for Niall..... I would never think that in 10000000000000000 years. Niall looked up at me any then yawned, and pointed at cam mouthing the words yes I am Sooo lucky. I mouthed these words back, yea good for you....
He Gently moved cam over to the side and walked over to me and said.

"Hey are you ok you look kinda angry at me over there." Niall said in a concerned voice

"Nooo not at all mad at you not even one bit."

Even tho I was Cuz can't he see that I like him I guess not.... Wait no I don't want to be with him no!

"Oh well ok Cuz you looked reeeeeeaally angry I mean you know that one face you made when you saw your crush kissing that one friend of yours, you made that face."

"Whaaaaaat NOOO nothing to be mad about here."

Even tho there was just a little....

"Oh UMMM ok, IMMA go back to cam doesn't she look cute there?"

No not at all she is drooling ew.....

"Yea sure whatever she is adorable."
I said in a sarcastic voice

"Um ok......"

Niall walked back to Cameron and lied next to her and wrapped him arms around her and closed him eyes.

Ugugugugh I wish that was me!!!! Oh well guess not...... I will never get to be in the arms of Niall Horan I mean I will but not like the way cam is right now... That little lucky...... Nope I need to calm down.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!
Plzzzzz vooote!!!!
I love you guys see you tomorrow!!!<3

MistakesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora