
21 1 1

Everything felt like it was dying nothing felt right anymore. the tears wouldn't stop coming out. I ran to one place Cammy would be..... it was our old secret hide out we used to play in it every day. Once I got there all I saw was old pictures of us with my face scratched out and all of them said tradition them. I looked over and saw a letter I opened it and read it, it said.

Hello nicole I figured you would try to find me here.......... I know what your going to say already that your sorry and that you should have never done any of the things you did.... but you did them already and there is nothing you can do to get me to be your friend. you stabbed me right in the back. I went through a deep depression. you didn't even bother to come over once all year.............. anyways I am gone now well I ain't going to tell you where. but I really hope you and NIALL have a great life together.

-cam cam.....

The tears kept coming and coming I dropped to my knees and started crying more.. I realized I lost my best friend for ever and she is never coming back...... How could I even be so stupid to have her boyfriend cheat on her with me her best friend.......

Niall ran inside.

"Hey nicole anything?" Niall said

"No just this letter that can only mean one thing......... she is not going to ever forgive me and one more thing she is not coming back either.........." I said trying to hold back my tears........

"Omg. I am so sorry nicole it's all my fault!" Niall said and gave me a hug.

**** a few years passed... So far our life style is very different... Niall and I broke up a few weeks after I found the letter he was also a pop star I mean big he was in a band called one direction he was really good. cammy was still missing and I well I was living life alone.
Niall was 22 I was 21 and cam was 21 also.*****

It was just another day as usual but today I was going to the airport to fly to Washington. I was leaving to Washington for a job offer. I didn't know what to do but there in Washington I was going to be a clothing designer. once I got there I looked over to see niall wow ok...

"Hi Niall I haven't seen you in forever....." I said

"Oh wow nicole you look great! Where are you heading to?" Niall asked with a big grin across his face..

"Well I'm moving to Washington. It's for a job offer.... Hey what about you mister perfect singing all great and whatever!!!" I said as I hit his arm playfully.

"Well yea I mean it's cool it kinda gets annoying having 5 million girls run after you when your in line for food or something....." Niall said.

"Haha yea well that's still cool I mean every magazine I have gotten has been all about one direction or how pretty Niall Horans eyes are!" I yelled

"Haha yea I guess so yea..... So I know we both have been wanting to ask each other have you heard from cammy yet???" Niall asked

"Well no I haven't heard anything you?"


Hello people!
Plzz comment and voooote!!!
Love you guys see Ya later

MistakesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora