signing up after dawdling around

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Luffy has never cared much about the rumors and the happenings around him.

But what he cares about is Torao.

These pass few days ever since he got news about a boy buying batons and a drumstick, Luffy didn't get it either, he's been working hard for something Luffy thinks is stupid.

Luffy pouted and stared boredly at Law as he writes words after words in a parchment about something stupid again.

He's not even paying attention to Luffy!

Luffy then frowned and tilted his head as he stared at Law's concentrated face.

He guess this is better than moping around and being all sad about their crews. I mean, Luffy does his best to distract himself, you know? At least, Luffy is very proud to boast that his distractions is more better and more fun than Law's.

"Toraoo......" Luffy whined, pouting more renounced than before.

"Drop dead." Law answered automatically, not willing to drop his concentration. Especially for Luffy's antics.

"But Toraoooooo...." Luffy ignored Law's warning as usual. "You've been at for hours already." He pointed at the window beside them. "Look! The sun isn't even up anymore."

Law paused and turned to look at the window. The sun was really down but the moon was up. Moonlight gently laid down on the forest, gentle and beautiful.

But deadly. Deep within the shadows, Law could see the glowing eyes of unknown beasts lurking. Waiting for an unsuspecting person to just-

"Torao, stop thinking. Turn your brain off for a second." Luffy grumbled, shaking Law back and forth.

Law rolled his eyes before pushing off the energetic straw hat off of him.

"Will you stop that? I get it." Law sighed.

Law closed his eyes and massage his forehead. He knows he'll never win an argument and as much as he would like to argue right now, he really is tired.

He took a 5 minute breather, which Straw Hat surprisingly let him sighed.

It took all of Luffy's will and strength not to make a sound. He wanted Torao to have a good break because he looks like he needs one.

Law opened his eyes and calmly packed up the parchment and ink. He paused a bit before turning to look at Luffy and smirked mischievously.

He smoothed out the wrinkles of the parchment as Luffy tapped his foot impatiently. After that he carefully rolled the parchment, drawing out the time longer than necessary which caused Luffy to grit his teeth tightly and glared at the parchment as if it had stole his meat.

Law held back a chuckle as he finished rolling the parchment and decided that that was enough torture and swiftly keep the parchment in his pocket and put the ink and quill in a schoolbag he stole. Law felt pleased with himself, at least he can get back at everything Straw Hat had done against him. Doesn't even matter how petty it was.

Luffy perked up.


Torao was done. They can go to the forest now! After all, that was Torao's promise if he finishes his work things.

Luffy stood up, grabbed Law's hand and ran out of the library.

Law held back a groan and resigned himself to his fate.


The Great Hall was lively for the night. The two schools have arrived and everyone was enjoying themselves. Today, they were socializing with each other. Carefully sounding out their potential rivals in the Triwizard Tournament.

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