Disrespect, Rules, and Undergarments

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Vanessa's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and suddenly felt a cool breeze run down my spine. I shivered as I noticed that my wrist were tied up and my mouth was covered with a cloth. I struggled to escape, but the rope got tighter and tighter on my wrists. I groaned as the rope sunk into my skin. I put my head down to think of an escape, but saw that I was only in my bra and underwear! "MMMMMM!!!!" I tried to scream as I pulled on the rope.

Suddenly, the door opened and there stood a figure in the doorway. "Well, look who's awake" the deep, husky voice said as he stepped into the light. In less than a second I recognized who it was. Zayn. My eyes widened as he just stood there, admiring my body. I tried to say something as he laughed, "here, let me help you with that, babe" he said as he touched my waist with one hand and took off the cloth with the other. I took a deep breath, "you motherfucking bastard! Let me go now! I'm gonna fucking kill y-" *smack*I got interrupted by Zayn slapping me. I looked up at him, "Looks like someone needs to learn the rules around here." He huffed, "Liam!" He called out as he untied me and let me fall on to the floor. "Good luck." He whispered with a smirk as he walked out.

After a few seconds, Liam walked in the room and closed the door behind him, locking it. My heart started to beat faster as he came closer to me, smirking. He stood there as he looked down on me. "Get up." He commanded. I nodded as I stood on my feet, body shaking.  He suddenly pushed me on a bed that I didn't even know that was there, and was hovering over me. I tried to break free, but he was too strong. "Stop struggling, baby girl, its only gonna get worse for you." He growled. "Please, please let me go! Please!" I begged as I started to cry. "Don't cry," He said softly as I continued crying. "I said don't cry!" He yelled as he gripped my jaw tightly. I whimpered at the pain and fear he was giving me. "Now, I know that you're scared and confused to why we kidnapped you," he said sternly,"but if you stop being a little bitch, then you'll be fine...for now." He smirked. "Wh-wh-what a-are you gonna d-do t-to m-me?" I asked, still crying. He sighed,"You'll find out soon, but for now, you need to learn the rules. If you learn the rules and obey them, then you'll be fine." He explained. I nodded,"o-ok" He got off of me and sat at the end of the bed as I sat up and scooted back, trying to be as far as possible from him.

"There are 4 simple rules you have to abide to, if you break any of them, you'll suffer the  consequences." He said,"Rule number 1: never talk back. If you even give us a little bit of an attitude, you WILL get punished. Rule number 2: don't touch us, yourself, or others, unless told so. That includes any physical or sexual actions. Rule number 3: never wander off. Don't ever leave our sight without our permission and without security, we don't want you telling anyone about this. Also, don't wander the house, we will tell you what areas you can go in and what are restricted." He explained, I nodded for him to continue as he moved closer."And Rule number 4: never lie, and don't resist us." He said as he touched my thigh, making me gasp. "If we tell you to do or say something,obey. If we do something to you, don't resist. And don't ever lie to us," He moved closer to my ear,  "because if we find out the truth, you're gonna be in a hell of trouble. Do you understand?" He growled. I gulped and nodded.

"Good, now its getting late and you need to get some rest for tomorrow," he said, as he got up and grabbed my wrist, pulling me up."wait, what's tomorrow?" I asked as he dragged me toward the door and unlocked it, ignoring me. "Liam, what's tomorrow?" I asked again. "You're sleeping with Zayn, tonight. He's gonna get you ready for tomorrow." He smirked as we walked out of the room and towards a white door. "What's tomorrow?" I asked Liam for the third time.  He knocked on the door,"you'll see." He said as he grabbed my waist. The door swung open and Zayn appeared at the doorway. Liam pushed me towards Zayn as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "She's all yours" he said,smirking. "Thanks" Zayn replied back with an evil grin on his face. He closed the door and whispered in my ear.

"We're going to have lots of fun tonight."


Hey Guys!
Sorry for the short chapter, I have a lot going on right now.(homework, school and family drama, my condition, etc.) So yeah, I hope you liked it, and sorry that it sucked. I'll try to update next week, but I can't promise anything.

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