The Kidnapping

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Vanessa's POV:

I walked in our flat as I slammed the door behind me. I stomped to the kitchen to get a bottle of water in the fridge. Once I closed the door I noticed a sticky note on it, I took it off and began to read it:


Me and Danielle went to the store to buy some more food. Eleanor and Ariana had to go on a double date, so your going to be alone for a couple of hours. Be safe.


I rolled my eyes at how the note was written, it looked like a note that a mother would write to her daughter. The girls treat me like I'm a baby, and I hate that! I mean, yeah I'm younger than them, but that doesn't mean they can treat me like a fucking 8 year old! I put the water down on the counter and threw the note in the trash as I made my way upstairs. I walked into the room, closing the door behind me, and threw myself onto my bed. I still can't believe that that guy kissed me! I mean I'm not complaining because he was hot and a good kisser. He was tall, had blonde hair, that was combed straight up, kinda like a quiff,and he had electric blue eyes that you could just melt into. But what was really a turn on for me was his black ring on his pink plump lips that, if I had another chance, I would kiss agai- No!No!No! I told myself. You can't be falling for him, Vanessa. You just can't! Remember the last time you fell in love? My subconscious reminded me. And she was right, last time I fell in love it ended horribly.(A/n: I'm gonna tell that story later)I screamed into my pillow in frustration. I sat up and looked around to find something to break, (yes,I have anger issues). After a while of looking I couldn't find anything so I walked up to the wall and screamed as I punched it.

Louis' POV:

We walked towards the flat and looked through a window to see if anyone was home. After seeing no one inside, we walked to the front door and turned the door knob. Yes! It's opened! I thought as we walked in the flat and looked around. All we saw was a bottle of water on the counter in the kitchen and then we heard a loud scream and a thud that made us all jump. "She's upstairs," Liam stated. "No shit Sherlock." Zayn whispered, which made all of us giggle except Liam. We immediately stopped when we heard a glass shattering, we snapped our heads to the direction to where the sound came from. We all groaned as we saw Niall with a mouth full of cookies looking down on the floor, "what? The cookie jar was too high. I had to eat something!" We all shook our heads in disapproval. "Shh..." Harry started, " I think she's coming." I snickered at the statement, obviously making it into a dirty joke. We heard a door open and started to hear footsteps coming closer to us. "Hide!" Liam whispered as we all hid in different places.

Vanessa's POV:

I'm sitting here, on my bed, staring at the wall that now has a huge hole in it. "I'm sooo dead." I said to myself. I sighed as I walked up to my closet and began to undress myself. I heard faint giggles coming from downstairs but I decided to ignore it. It's probably the girls, I thought. I changed into my pajamas (pic on the side ››››) and sat on my bed. I was about to lay down when I heard a loud crash that almost made me jump off my bed. I then heard a muffled voice and someone shushing them. I then got up and walked towards the door, grabbing my baseball bat before walking downstairs. You might be wondering, 'Why the fuck do you keep a baseball bat in your room?' Well, it's a long story, but since I'm scared shitless right now, all I'm gonna say is that it was Danielle's idea. I heard someone whisper and then numerous footsteps. I began to shake and tightened my grip on the metal bat in my hand. I took slow steps towards the kitchen, "Who's there!" I yelled, not trying to sound scared. It was all silent until I heard a noise behind me, making me gasp and turn around. I suddenly felt strong arms wrap around my waist and pick me up as I dropped the bat to the floor. I screamed as I struggled to get out of the person's grip. "This will be easier if you calm down, princess." HE whispered in my ear. I started kicking and screaming as another figure approached us. I looked up to see the only person I didn't expect, "Liam?" I yelled/asked. He shrugged, "Sorry, baby girl" he said as he covered my mouth with a cloth. I was smart enough to hold my breath before and I decided to take this opportunity to escape, so I kicked Liam right in the balls. I looked at him as he fell to the ground, dropping the cloth on the floor. "What the-" I cut the person behind me off as I elbowed him in the stomach, making him drop me. I quickly got up with the bat in my hand. I looked at them and they looked like they were in a lot of payne(see what I did there :P). I saw movement in the corner of my eye and I looked up to see three figures looking at me, and the two boys on the floor,back and forth. Zayn came closer to me as my grip on the bat got tighter. "Don't come any closer, or else..." I announced. But that didn't stop him from walking closer. "I'm warning you," I said as I got ready to swing. All of a sudden he started running towards me and I did what I promised. *whack!* In a matter of seconds Zayn was on the floor screaming, mostly cussing, in pain. "What the hell!" He yelled at me as he grabbed his cheek. "I warned you! But you didn't lis-" I was interrupted by Harry tackling me, hitting my head against the floor. I grunted, "Ow! Let me go!" I screamed as Harry was hovering over me while he pinned my wrists down on the ground. "Stop screaming!" He yelled. I flinched as I shut my mouth, at this point, my head was pounding. "Louis, give me the wrag." He stated as Louis nodded and picked it up off the ground. Once he gave Harry the wrag, he immediately put it up to my mouth and nose. I didn't have time to hold my breath, so my sight started to get blurry and I started to see darkness. "You're ours now." I heard a whisper as I let darkness take over me.

Unknown POV(After the kiss):

I walked out of the craft store I was just in and headed to I our car, where a security guard,Marc, was already waiting. I walked up to the car as the guard opened the door for me to go in. "Hello Mr. Hemmings, why back so early?"." I don't want to talk about it." He nodded and closed the door as he sat on the passengers seat. "And where are the others?" Marc asked,curious. I shrugged, " I don't know, they're probably still in there, looking for me." I responded, looking out the window. "Okay, I'm gonna go tell them that you came back to the car." He said as I nodded. Once he left the car I was all alone. I sighed, "I didn't even get your name." I said to myself. I graoned and banged my head against the window. "Hey are you ok?" I heard a guy ask someone. I looked up to check if he was talking to me. A girl and a guy were walking towards where the car was parked and- wait. that's the girl who i kissed! Shit. I ducked down in my seat so they wouldn't see me. "Just take me home, ok?" I heard the girl say along with doors closing. After a few minutes, they left. I sighed in relief. 'That was close." I told myself. "What was close?" I heard a voice whisper in my ear which made me jump. I turned around, "Ashton!!! You fucking scared the shit out of me!!" I said as i heard the rest of the boys getting in the car. He laughed, "Sorry mate, but the way you were trying to hide from the couple was hilarious! Now, tell me, what did you do to that girl?" Ash asked, smirking as he put on the seat belt. I scoffed, "How come every time I hide from a girl you always assume the worst?" He laughed,"Because I've known you for quite a while now, and I know when your hiding from a fan, or a girl that you pissed off." Calum laughed, "True." He said as his gaze didn't leave the phone screen in his hand. I rolled my eyes, "I didn't do anything," I said, ignoring Calum's comment. Ash shrugged, "Whatever you say, man." He stated as the car started moving. "I didn't do anything!" I announced, irritated. "Yeah.... And I believe you." Ash said, sarcastically. "Dude, just tell us what you did already." Michael said, annoyed. I groaned, "No! I didn't do anything to her!...." I sighed. "Just drop the subject." They all shrugged and began to talk about something random that happened in the store while I just looked out the window. I don't want them to know.

I don't want them to know that I caught her stealing. I don't want them to know that I kissed her. I don't want them to know that I'm slowly falling for her.


So here's chapter 5,I hoped y'all liked it! I'm soooooooooo sorry that I haven't updated in the past couple of months, it was bc I was grounded and I didn't get my phone back until yesterday. And I'm sooooo sorry for this short chapter. I promise, that the next one will be longer. (:

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