Crimes, Jealousy, and Kisses

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*The Next Day*
Vanessa's POV:

It was already noon and I'm having a dance-off with this girl (who dances pretty good). I had a dark green plaid shirt with nothing under it (it's buttoned up,so don't worry :P), I had really tight skinny jeans that just showed off every curve from my waist down. I had combat boots on, my hair was in a messy, tight bun with a bandana wrapped around it. I was wearing dark makeup on and honestly, I think I look sexy. I shook that thought off my mind as the music started, and as usual, my opponent went first.

Harry's POV:

Just an hour ago we began this photoshoot for Fabulous, and we have finally finished. The place was surrounded by screaming fans all pushing against the gates that were around the photoshoot area. We had no time to change back to our normal clothes because security worried that those gates couldn't hold any longer. And they were right, because once we started walking towards the exit the gates fell down and all the fans ran towards us. Some wanted photos, videos, or autographs, I love all our fans equally, but sometimes they can get a little crazy. Ha, that's why Niall called them Crazy Mofos! I smiled at my thought. I was pulled out of my thoughts (literally) by someone pulling me. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw Zayn and not a crazed fan trying to kidnap me.(yes,that has happened before) We all ran through the crowd towards the back and ran. We lost our security in the crowd,so we had to save ourselves. We noticed we were being chased by at least 30 screaming fans, and started running through alleyways trying to lose them.
After an hour of running,we finally lost them. We stopped to catch our breaths, but didn't want to risk being caught again, so we all slowly walked toward an alleyway and rested our backs against the wall. I could hear voices, but decided to ignore it.

Zayn's POV:

We were all catching our breaths when 'Apple Bottom Jeans' by Flo Rida started playing. We all snapped our heads in that direction and saw a girl dancing in front of......Vanessa? I started walking slowly towards them as I could hear clapping and cheering when Vanessa started to dance. Our mouths dropped as we saw her dance and my eyes widened when I noticed what she was wearing. She had blue denim skinny jeans, and when I mean skinny, I mean skinny, like skinnier than Harry's pants. Yeah, that tight.

Niall's POV:

The boys and I were just standing there, watching Vanessa dance. And let me tell you, she has some sexy moves. We stood there until the song finished, and I'm guessing Vanessa won because she had this smirk on her face while the other girl just stomped off. We watched the girl turn a corner until we heard a voice. "Hey, what are y'all doing here?" Vanessa asked as she hugged us. "Ummm....well we were just walking and we heard the music so we just wanted to see what was going on." I said as she hugged me. "Cool...I like your outfits by the way." She complimented us. "I never knew One Direction could look so badass." she smirked.We were all taken aback by the statement. "Wait. You know who we are?" Liam asked. She nodded, "Of course. I knew all along." we gave her a confused look, "Wait. Why didn't you freak out then?" Louis asked. She shrugged, "I'm just not a fan" Zayn was about to say something but was interrupted, "Vanessa!C'mon! We have to go, babe" I heard a boy shout from behind us. We all turned around to see a boy around our age with brown hair and blue eyes waiting in a car. I gave him a glare and balled my fist. Before you say something, yes, I'm jealous. "I'm coming!" She yelled as she passed us, "Bye! Nice seeing y'all again!" we all waved as she got into a car with the guy and drove off.

Vanessa's POV:

"Vanessa! C'mon! We have to go, babe" I heard Tyler, my only guy best friend, call me from his car. "I'm coming!" I yelled as I walked pass the boys. I turned around and waved at the boys, "Bye! Nice seeing y'all again!" They waved as I got in the car and Tyler drove off. Today we are going to meet up with some of Tyler's friends to do some graffiti. "So,who were those guys that you were talking to?" Tyler asked, breaking the silence in the car. "Just boys I bumped into the other day." I answered. "Ah, the ones you grinded on?" He asked, smirking. I rolled my eyes, "Shut up." I said as I punched him playfully.He laughed, "They like you" he said out of nowhere. "what?" I said. "They, the boys, like you." I gave him a confused look, "how do you know?" He smirked, "did you see their faces when they saw me?" I looked at him blankly. "They hate me,they balled their fists while they gave me a glare." I laughed, "You're exaggerating," while shaking my head.n"Fine,don't believe me. But I am gonna tell you this, be careful,please.Those boys look dangerous." I laughed, "Yeah right,they wouldn't even hurt a fly" He shrugged as we stopped by a craft store. We both looked at each other and smirked as I grabbed my bag.

We got out of the car and entered. The store was crowded, so this was gonna be easy. We went to the paint section and looked around if anyone was near. Then, when the coast was clear,we began stuffing my bag with spray paint cans.

Unknown POV:

The boys and I walked in the craft store and went straight to the fabric section. We all were bored at home, so we decided to do something creative. So,we're going to make tie dye shirts. We're so childish. I thought. We were looking through the shirts,trying to find our sizes. "Hey,can you go get the paint." All the boys told me at the same time. We all laughed and I nodded. I walked over to the paint aisle and saw a boy and a girl giggling while they put spray paint cans in a bag. I saw a man eyeing them from an aisle across them. The boy started walking casually towards the exit. The girl just stood there,acting like she was looking for something and to be honest,she looked hot. I shook that thought off as I walked in the aisle and came closer to her and stood there trying to find the right color spray paint. "I know you're stealing" I said in a lower voice so no one can hear me. She looked at me but I just looked straight ahead.

After a minute standing there,she suddenly ran. I quickly ran after her,she dropped her bag making the paint cans spill out of the bag. I jumped over them and tackled her to the floor. I was on top of her holding her wrists down on the floor.We were in the back of the store where no one really goes, "Let me go!" the voice yelled. "Shh!" I told her. "why were you stealing? Don't you have money?" I asked. "Why do you care?" she snapped. I was quiet for a minute,not wanting to answer that question.Not wanting to tell her that I like her. Yes,I know, I know, you're probably thinking,that's ridiculous!you just saw her! But it's true!I really like her. "Are you gonna get off me or are you just gonna sit there and stare at me like an idiot!" she yelled. I sighed and got off of her. "sorry." I apologized. "it's alright." she said,getting up as she dusted off her pants and fixed her hair. She looked up, "Hey, I hadn't notice how hot you are." she said, smirking. I laughed, "thanks." "anytime." she winked. I smiled and started walking back with her following me. I turned the corner and saw the same man that I saw earlier walking towards us, looking through every aisle. He was only 2 aisles away and I have to hide her. I backed up, holding her back. "What are y-" I cut her off by kissing her. After a few seconds, she kissed back.I broke the kiss when the man passed by. He didn't see her because I was leaning over her against the shelf. I looked at her and she looked shocked. "I'm sorry." I said and ran away. All I heard was "wait! I don't even know your name!" as I exited the store. I can't believe I did that!

Vanessa's POV:

He kissed me! I can't believe that bastard just kissed me!And the worst part is that I liked it! Ew! Why did he do that anyway? I mean,first he chases me through the store, then he tackles me on the floor and now he kisses me!?! Who does he think he is!

I walked towards my bag and picked it up. I kicked the cans away as I exited the store. "Hey,what took you so long?"
I heard Tyler ask. I didn't answer, I just kept walking. "Hey,are you ok?" He asked as he put his hand on my shoulder. I turned around, "Just take me home,ok?" I said getting in the car. He sat in the drivers seat and started driving. "What's wrong with you?" he asked me. I sighed, "I just wanna be alone." He nodded.

After five minutes, Tyler pulled up to the drive-way and dropped me off. I waved goodbye and he drove off as I entered the flat. All that kept running through my mind was the kiss but what really bothered me the most is the fact that I don't even know his name.

Harry's POV:

We are now hiding behind some bushes across from her flat. Don't ask how we found it. We saw a car pull up the drive way and saw someone get out. There she is,Vanessa. We watched as she got out of the car and waved at it as it drove off. She entered and closed the door. Here's our chance, "You ready?" Liam asked us, we all nodded. We got out of the bushes and walked towards the flat. All I can say is that Vanessa will be ours,and only ours.


Did y'all like the chapter?
I didn't really plan on being this long,but...oh well!
So,who do you think this mystery guy is?
Comment and Vote!!!
I'll try to update as soon possible!
Love You!
- crxzy_mofos

Btw-Eleanor, Perrie, Danielle, and Ariana aren't famous in this book.

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