After inviting people to SurNAME's 2, we settled down a bit for a few days and gave NAME ownership of the server again. After those few days were over, NAME advertised his server again, even if the member count went up much slower. A lot of familiar faces showed up again. One of those faces was the main cause of SurNAME's 1's deletion, Cross. We kinda ignored her at first, but she decided to cause some more problems, and get someone off the mod team, his name was Geto.
(A/N: no offense geto but sometimes you're a shitty crackhead)
He was accused of racism but with barely any evidence, and the evidence sent was him making a joke of nothing too serious. Then Cross invited some of her friends to help her out.
(A/N: not gonna name them because who tf has time to learn that bitch's friend's names)They tried to get Red (me uwu) banned because, guess what? They said I was racist and the only proof of that was me saying the N word on accident. Ever since they decided to cause problems, for some reason, NAME decided to befriend Cross. BlobPlan or better known as Blob, a new person in the mod team along with me and Kiddo and a few other mods tried to convince NAME not to befriend Cross because he was manipulating him. How do we know that? NAME was manipulated to demote Geto for no reason by Cross. As you expect, (im speaking for the entirety of the surname mod team) we started to hate her. We banned her and her friends, but they kept dming NAME, and they kept coming on alts and her friends were raiding the server. A lot of the active users were starting to hate her as well. But they kept coming. I woke up one morning. Checked discord and.. for some reason had like 48 pings. I checked my dms and saw people were complaining and some of the mods were complaining, something along the lines of
"Cross was given owner in SurNAME's" WAIT WHAT <-- my exact reaction to that message.
I check the server and sure enough, #general was filled with complains and Cross had unbanned all her friends. Now they were causing chaos. At this point, my blood pressure could've probably been seen by Jesus in heaven or sum'n. But if things couldn't get worse, Cross actually had ownership and I couldn't do anything about it and half the mods left.
(N/A: shoutout to the mods who stayed and helped :>)
I practically spammed NAME everywhere, dms, servers, you name it. And when Kiddo found out I spammed him he got mad and said it was his choice and he regrets everything. I didn't care. I kept spamming him and when he finally responded, he asked Cross to give him back his owner, and luckily, she did. But things wouldn't go so well after 2 days.
(A/N: No one told me writing was pain.)
The Tale of SurNAME's.
РазноеWritten by an Ex-Owner of the server. I'll tell as much as possible from the story of this server I enjoyed being and moderating in. I'll talk about the mod team's struggles, and the rise and downfall, rise and downfall again of this server. I would...