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Last seconds before SurNAME's was deleted, few mods advertised their servers for them to hang out in. And one of those servers was Lucian's Server which was technically no longer his since he left it but we're gonna call it that anyway. Mods got personally invited by NAME into his private discord server where his friends hang out. I didn't really know about how the other administrators and mods of SurNAME's were feeling about SurNAME's deletion but I felt.. sad and uneasy for some reason. It continued like this for a few weeks and I have gotten used to it but then, I had an idea and I needed to try it, but I couldn't do it without NAME's permission so I asked him and he said he was fine with us remaking SurNAME's again but my friend and someone from the Ex-SurNAME's mod team, Lag had already made a SurNAME's 2 prototype. His server was bugged though so I had to do it myself. Even though being experienced in moderation and server making, it was not easy to make the best server I could for NAME's fans. But after maybe 20 or 30 minutes, i finished and invited as many people as I could and assigned roles, and there it was, SurNAME's 2 right before my eyes.

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, Nothing really happened in this time period.)

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