I guess our story starts in a server, owned by one of NAME's friends, Lucian. A close friend of his.
The server didn't have a lot of people, but it was a nice server with around 40 people, including me and NAME and some members of the soon to be SurNAME's mod team.
(a/n: my memory isn't the best so i might miss some parts or forget what exactly happened, but anyways this a summary of what happened.)
One day, NAME and a friend of his, Rusweeden or better known as Rus decided it would be fun to make a server
(a/n: not really sure why they made the server but im gonna take an educated guess.)
They invited the members from Lucian's server and Rus decided that the server would be NAME's instead, but they would both still be owners.
Fast forward a couple of weeks
NAME with his server with only a couple of members decided to make the server public to his viewers. I didn't really know he did but I knew he did when me and Kiddo, a friend of mine and NAME's were talking and the chat flooded with people joining, I thought it was a raid, but then I checked NAME's yt and there was a comment made by Dogeified that was pinned which contained the link to the server. The day flew by and by the time I woke up the next day, we were at 200+ members. The first few weeks of SurNAME's public announcement was pretty peaceful, 99% of the server was following the rules and all the rule breakers were being punished. Until one day, I made a mistake. An accident, I'd like to say. An accident that would ripple terrible things throughout the rest of the year. Somebody said a... slur, the "n-word" to be specific and I uh, knew my friend, Dessy, who was part of the mod team, hated people saying that slur. So I pinged her and, well accidentally said the N-Slur, an example: "Oh [dessy's username], [that guy who said the slur] said [insert me saying n-slur]."
Someone pointed that out and I realized my mistake so i edited the message and I apologized to anyone it might've offended. The story should've ended there with nothing bad happening but.. something went wrong, to say the least.
Story spread quick about me saying that, and it reached someone.. The "Antagonist" of our story, Cross.
Cross kinda just stayed in the shadows for a while, just occasionally chatting about stuff, but the problem with her is.. she took racism TOO seriously.
Now, what I mean by that is no matter how much I apologized and explained PUBLICLY how I didn't mean to say it and I didn't describe anyone with it, she made it a GOAL to expose the mod team and me for racism, and this is where everything falls apart.
People started being toxic and breaking our rule number one to be nice. And the mod team got too stressed, and the server was put into chaos, NAME made his decision. And against my will, SurNAME's was gone.....
Or.. was it?
The Tale of SurNAME's.
AcakWritten by an Ex-Owner of the server. I'll tell as much as possible from the story of this server I enjoyed being and moderating in. I'll talk about the mod team's struggles, and the rise and downfall, rise and downfall again of this server. I would...