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As the three of them were sitting on a different position son the sofa, each reading their own book.

"So you're returning back to your school this summer?" The blonde asked, looking up from her book to glance at her cousin.

"I go back to hogwarts after every summer, Olivia" brooklyn responded, rolling her eyes but smiling. Olivia huffed, frowning, "i dont get to even see you at Christmas anymore, its getting annoying" she groaned, now putting her book aside.
"Well, i stay with you all summer dont i?" Brooklyn tilted her head, snickering.
"Yes but it's still annoying, you're my best friend and i can't even have you around and tell you all about boys" she grumbled.

Yuki closed her book shut and narrowed her eyes at olivia "you do realise i handle all of your boy talk all around a year, dont i get some credit?" She muttered, now raising an eyebrow.

"Okay, yeah, but you dont give any great advice!"

"Are you telling me that brooklyn - a girl who never dated - has better advice than me?!" Yuki responded in surprise, while brooklyn laughed.

"You two are acting more chilidsh than any other year, and yes, Yuki, when you deal with someone like james potter, you ought to know a thing or two" she smirked in pride, Olivia just nodded
"Ive met them once, and i honestly i dont know how you handle them brooke"

"Potter? Like from the sacred 28? What, you became a blood supremacist now brooke?" Yui frowned, standing up to get herself a cup of coffee. Olivia got up and collected the books, putting them back on the shelves and went to bring a drink some soda.

"Actually, james is far from that, he's less fancy and more rebellious, also quite flirty" Olivia blushed, smiling as she put everything back to place.

"There there, liv, james just started to have his great obsession over lily evans ,so dont bother" brooklyn looked at her cousin waringly. Olivia laughed "oh dear, dont worry, I already have interest in someone else" she said happily with a huge smile on her face "he's a muggleborn, and he's way too handsome!" She squealed, clapping happily.

Brooklyn gasped "why haven't you talked about that sooner!?" Yuki snickered "we forgot to tell you?" She said, as a matter of fact, as if she intended to do it with a teasing smirk.

Brooklyn rolled her tongue out at Yuki before dragging olivia back at the couch, asking her so many questions and getting into one of Olivia's many boy chats.


"And he's asked me out last sunday, cant wait to go out with him next week!" Olivia ended her story with excitement, giggling as brooklyn looked at her, awed. "Liv, its so obvious he fancies you!" She replied with the same tone of happiness "im so glad for you!"

"Guess who's back from a great and tiring mission?" A young but raspy voice was heard, as a male looking brooklyn walked inside, looking at them with a huge smirk.

"Go away, nobody likes you" brooklyn teased, throwing a pillow at him, only for him to easily catch it.

"We've got to go" he huffed, throwing the pillow back at her and it actually hit her, she groaned sadly.
"See, this is why nobody likes you! You ruin our fun!" Brooklyn pouted at him, honestly wishing she could spend time with olivia to chat about the things they havent discussed about yet.

Nicolaus rolled his eyes and walked into the room brooke usually slept in, which was the guest room "well if you dont pack, I'll probably do so, maybe steal a pen or read a journal" he teased, smirking as he stood on the door frame, and as soon as she heard the word 'journal' she hurried into her room amd kicked out her brother, who's now laughing.
"I dont see why you still have a diary, brooke, thought you dont like old memories" he looked down at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't, i'm just keeping the really good ones, now go, if you want me to finish quick" she grumbled as she shut the door on his face and went to get ready.

"Harsh" nick commented, snickering, before looking at the other two girls "so, how was a whole month with your dear long distanced bestfriend?" He asked them, falling on the couch with his smirk never leaving him.
"It was alright, until you came in" Yuki smirked back him, mocking him. he just waved his arm lazily "nono im asking Olivia, i already know how you'll respond"

"Oh! Well, we had lots of talking to do! But i wish if we had more time with her" she sighed, resting her head on the couch, and looking at the ceiling"she would've loved it at illvermorney" she sighed, pouting.

Nick blinked "you know Olivia, your problem is that you're too clingy, we have to go through this every single summer" he laughed, just before brooke comes out holds her heavy trunk, and her owl ,nix, in his cage, hiding in his feathers as he's safe and sound. Nicolaus got up to pull the huge trunk and cage away from his sister's grasp, "go say your goodbyes" he muttered, taking her things outside. She nodded and looked at the two girls, one whom was tearing up and the other was rolling her eyes, Yuki was never an emotional person, and brooklyn secretly liked that about her more than olivia.

Olivia just pulled Brooklyn into a big hug, eventually taking Yuki in too, she looked like she was about to shout at her, but didn't,seeing as she didn't want to ruin the moment.
"We'll both miss you very much" she sniffed, wiping her tears away, as Yuki got out of her grasp quick enough for her not to notice.

Brooke pulled away and gave her a huge smile "relax, liv, I'll write to you as much as possible, promise" she reassured her, trying to make her stop crying.
"Well then, fine, but dont you dare forget" she muttered, as she finally let me go, waving at me. Yuki just gave me a very short wave that she was lucky to even notice

She waved to the both of them and said her farewells to her uncle and aunt before she walks outside of the house, my brother beside her, the trunks and cage are gone.

"Ready for your 4th year at hogwarts?" He asked excitedly, looking at her with a bright smile before walking to a very random forest.

She nodded "wonder what will this year hold for me"

"Fourth year is when i got attacked" he chuckled, although it wasn't genuine "i hope the same doesnt happen to you though." He grumbled with a frown, before picking an old rusty lock "hold onto that" he told her.

She held into the metal part of the lock before looking up at her brother "i don't think I'd turn into a werewolf anytime soon nick, unless you were willing to" she muttered, with a smirk.

"Please just- stay safe, please, stay away from danger no matter what" he muttered, looking at her, now actually serious.

Their eyes locked before she nodded and smiled "i will" was the last thing she said before a pop, and they both disappeared into thin air.


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