Ah yes, the famous actor we all know and love... it's Blended Cucumber!👀👀
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I finished watching the BBC show Sherlock recently and honestly it was SOOO GOOD, if you haven't watched it,, like... what are you doing with your life??
So yes, I was inspired to sew this Sherlock/Butternut Crinklefries design on one of my masks :D
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Honestly, this was a really, really painstaking process. It was only 2 days of discontinuous work but it felt a lot longer than that??
Unlike my usual art pieces, it didn't really feel calming or therapeutic, for reasons being:
1) For practice, I sewed on a Bafflewaffer Cabbagepatch on a piece of scrap cloth and it started off pretty fun. ONLY AFTER I FINISH SEWING THE PRACTICE DID I REALISE the actual mask I would be working on was black, so I can't draw on it with pencil first then sew.
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This meant I had to use my eyepower to transfer each line and curve I sewed on with reference to the practice one and naturally I grew very grumpy because it became a lot more difficult😂
2) It became so ugly halfway I almost gave up on it. Ok, this actually applies to most of my art pieces whoops. But luckily, I stuck with my gut and did that whole "TRUST THE PROCESS" mantra in my mind, and I think it actually came out better than expected as a whole!
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3) G U Y S EMBROIDERING IS HARD!!!😭😭 I didn't have the proper bigger needle hole kind of needle used for embroidering (since the string used for embroidery is a lot thicker than normal string), it took me like 30 minutes to thread it into the needle wth
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Ok reflection over. I am honestly pretty pleased with how this came out WHOHOO
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Yep, guess all I have to say left is:
Y'all, really, don't give up halfway on an artwork. You never know, it might surprise you!
Also, I think this type of art crafts take a lot of patience and trial and error (sure, you can watch tutorials, but ultimately it's still up to a lot and I mean a LOT of practice) so be mentally prepared xDD
G'Night ladies and gents (and every one of yall in between!)