CHAPTER 3 | Emergency Food or Paimon Popsicle (Aether & Y/N)

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Aether's P.O.V.
"Traveller, Paimon feels a little wary about these two," Paimon whispered into my ear as we watched the two squabble.

"What can you do to make a judgement? Plus why do you look so tired?" I commented on the way Paimon's head was lolling from side to side from exhaustion.

"Ahh...Paimon's tired," She muttered.

"You didn't even run,"

"Hmph! So insensitive. You have no idea how tiring floating is!" Paimon stomped her foot on the air.

"If your finished kicking the air, I would like to start telling you why you are here?" The girl with talking with the other man stated, annoyance gracing her features.

"Oh, Paimon forgot you were here," Paimon held her head in shame.

"Quite alright. My name is Childe. This is Y/N. We're here to help," The man, Childe explained, recieving s quizzical look from Y/N.

"Help, that's one way to put it,"

"Childe. What a weird name," Paimon is going to get herself killed one day.

"Oh-ah, it's an alias of sorts. Say in Mondstadt, you didn't happen to meet a Signora did you?" Childe scratched the back of his neck.

Childe, Y/N, Signora...

"Your a Fatui! One of the Harbingers!" Paimon exclaimed as I made the link, bringing out my sword.

"Don't worry! We're not looking for trouble!" His eyes glanced at Y/N who had her arms crossed, her eyes calculating and taking note of Childe's every move.

"Here let me explain," Y/N sighed, "You need help from us. And we need your help back. It's a win-win situation. The Mililelith are on your tail. We can get rid of them for you. But you have to help us in return,"

"And what would that be? Paimon wants to know"

"You realised that Mo- Rex Lapis has been killed no? The Tsarista and Rex Lapis made a contract and we," She gestured to herself and Childe, "Are here on the behalf of her Majesty to collect his payment. However. Morax, like the brat he is, did not cooperate as planned and got himself killed,"

Did she just call the Geo Archon a brat?

"Hehe, let's talk somewhere safer," Childe quickly ushered us up several flights of stars towards the Northland Bank after spotting several Mililelith guards making their way towards our group.

"So, why did you bring Paimon and the Traveller here?" Paimon asked, crossing her arms.

"Care to explain?" Childe looked pleadingly at Y/N

"Gods dying are a normal thing. In the Archon War, yes. But now, not so much. An old Archon with such immense power like Morax would not simply 'die'. Only someone with great power could have killed him," Y/N explained

"Someone like the Qixing?" I asked.

"The Qixing...the members of the Liyue Qixing are indeed elite individuals that possess great power. Especially if they are in possession of a vision," Y/N explained further.

"But if the Qixing were the ones that killed Rex Lapis, wouldn't that be big news? Oh! Would it be that Miss Ningguang?" Paimon gasped

"Did the Qixing kill Rex Lapis and then try to cover it up?" I voiced. Liyue is too confusing.

"I like the way you think. Just like a tire knight. But if the Qixing did kill Rex Lapis and then place suspicion on the attendees. They must have the Exuvia in their possession,"

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