Chapter 17

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Pagoniá woke up to the sound of Pozhar snoring. He was conked out on the floor, sprawled across his sleeping bag. He seemed completely unaffected by the gentle rocking of the ship that had made it difficult for her to sleep. She glanced around, noting that Tilepátheia had decided to take a nap as well.

Pagoniá created a piece of ice and focused on sensing it with her mind. It floated above her palm, bobbing and draining her of energy. She mentally clenched harder, willing it to stay in the air.

Bam! The cube shattered, scattering minuscule ice shards all over the shipping container.

"What just happened?" Pozhar asked urgently, sitting bolt upright, his eyes wide and unfocused. "Did we get caught?"

"Not yet, but maybe," Tilepátheia answered. "Now shhhhh."

They all fell silent and listened intently as barely audible footsteps made their way closer to them. After a bit of muffled discussion from the deck, the footsteps receded.

"Now, what happened?" Pozhar demanded. "And why are these everywhere?" He brushed a shard of ice off his shirt.

"Pagoniá accidentally made an ice cube explode," Tilepátheia informed him. "Now everyone leave me alone. I'm going back to sleep."

Looking around at the mess she had created, Pagoniá decided to attempt something she had never done before. Gathering her concentration, she mentally willed the ice shards together into one big group of tiny particles, and she looked on with delight as they remained suspended in the air in front of her.

"Whoa! You just made an ice cloud!" Pozhar exclaimed.

"Technically, it would be called an aerosol," Pagoniá corrected him with a grin. "But yes, I did."

"Also nobody cares," said the lump in the corner that was Tilepátheia.

"Hey!" Pagoniá and Pozhar objected in unison.

Just then, they heard a voice from the deck, saying "What was that?" There was a long moment of silence. "Probably just a noise made by one of the many stowaway animals we come across on big ships like this. You know like mice and rats," someone finally answered faintly.

"Did you hear that?" Tilepátheia scolded them, narrowing her eyes. "They heard you! We need to be more careful."

"You don't need to tell me," Pozhar assured her. "I almost had a cardiac event when I heard them." Leaving them to their inevitable arguing, Pagoniá grabbed a book and began reading.


Short chapter. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to ask you to comment and vote! Please, do it. 

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