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I'm dead.


I came to the heaven's gates in an embodiment of a soul, yet to be judged. So this is what it looks like up here, huh; clouds replacing earth, gigantic golden gates, a bright, golden glow from the other side, and an old man— rather angel, stood in a gleaming podium made of gold on the side, scribbling on a long scroll with his white quil. He looked at me. I stared back.

"Where are all the other angels and saints? Where's God?"

"They are all on the other side," he replied, referring to the gate.

"May I enter?"

"Not until you've had your verdict."

I gulped. He kept writing, mumbling unintelligible words beneath his thick, lengthy mustache. I fixed my gaze to his halo and folded wings. Wouldn't it be cool if I had those too?

"It says here, you died from suffocation."

"I choked on a muffin." I corrected, slightly annoyed. "One of my friends dared me to eat it whole and guess who woke up dead now? Me!"

He nodded comprehensively. "What a ridiculous way to die, I'd say."

"It's alright," I assured. "At least I'd get to see what it's like up here. This place is nice as hell."

"As what?"

"I meant it was breathtaking!" I shifted in panic. "Not.. Not the one you were thinking of!"

"I see. I stand corrected, child."

"I'm not a child."

"Very well." He sighed. "You're about to face Our Almighty. Please, take this path."

He held a hand pointing to a white carpet magically sprawled out, away from the gates. I took a walk, just following wherever it was heading. I apparently reached a wall of clouds; nothing else to see at the top.

Suddenly, a voice called.


"Shit!" I jumped, instantly covering my mouth. "I did not mean to say that! I'm very sorry, please, don't send me to hell!"

"You are yet to face your judgement, dear."

"God?" I wowed, starting at the cloud wall. "Is that You? From the other side?"

"I see that you are a curious one, Y/N. But, I am afraid you're not justified enough to enter my kingdom."

"What?" I blinked. "I'm sorry, I.. Don't get it.."

"It appears that you have done a lot of sinful things on earth. Unrefined and unacceptable."

"Yeah, I was a bad bi-.. Girl." I admitted. "I've done quite a couple of good deeds though. I helped a family of ducks cross the streets yesterday."

"That wouldn't be enough, my child."

"Please, with a cherry on top," I clasped my hands. "I really don't want go to hell."

As a queue, a portion of a cloud opened beside me. I looked down and even when I was already pale dead, I felt as if I've grown much paler.

Hell greeted me underneath. Burning, hands of the damned souls reaching out, screaming at me, begging to be saved. The demons went about their businesses, whipping, hurting, and beating them. I could feel its rising temperature from above. My eyes widened. I turned back to Him.

"Don't send me down!" I pleaded. "I'm begging You, I will do anything to prove myself worthy to enter the golden gates! I don't to suffer, Father!"

It took a minute of silence from His side before the hole closed and I breathed out in relief. However, another hole opened. This time, it was bigger. When I peeked, I saw earth— a busy city at night to be exact.

I furrowed my brows. "What does this mean?"

"For your soul to be saved, you must save another."

"I don't understand.."

"You will come back down, alive once more. I shall take you to a place where no one could recognize you, otherwise, you wouldn't be able to do your only task of salvation."

"I'm supposed to save.. Someone?" I pointed. "Down there?"

"I do not call the qualified, but rather the ones deserving. You can still be proven worthy; that if, you help a living soul realize what life is worth."

I scratched my head. "Wait.. How am I going to know who I'm saving?"

"You'll figure out once you've met him."


"I wish you the best, my child."

"No, no, wait— GAAAAAHHH!"

I fell from great heights without a warning. As I plummeted back to earth, I could see the clouds closing, my body embracing the atmosphere of the physical world, separating from the spiritual realm. What was once an eternal sunlit sky turned dark, replaced by the evening stars and moon.

I never knew how long I was falling. I didn't want to turn and look. All I remembered was that I felt drowsy; as if someone was lulling me to sleep.

And then, I blacked out.

𝖬𝗂𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝖱𝖾:𝖯𝗈𝗂𝗇𝗍 | 𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗂 𝖡𝖾𝗈𝗆𝗀𝗒𝗎Where stories live. Discover now