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The last city.

A safe haven for all remaining humans in the planet earth, but something was wrong, the sun...did not rise...the vex has plunged this world into an endless night by creating a simulations.

The only one who is able to help them is an eliksni called misraaks Kell of the house of light, but he is also known as mithrax by the people of the last city.

The vanguard in exchange for his help they will let him be inside the last city, close to the traveler, so he accepted but they weren't accepted by many of the citizens.

Poisoned by the words of Lakshmi-2, the people recently destroyed a few ether containers.

Now we see mithrax, saint-14 and Lakshmi-2 talking about what happened while a lone hunter helps rebuild some of the container's.

Mithrax: You see what was done, our ether tanks, smashed, our supplies, stolen,our home, defaced.

Saint-14: i cannot find any witnesses.

Lakshmi: this is not surprising, the people are under enormous pressure, you're lucky in wasn't worse.

Mithrax: This destruction helps no one but the vex, please instead of teaching your people to fear us, tell them the truth.

Lakshmi: the truth is that you're kind has preyed upon us for as long as we can remember, there is nothing I can say that will make them forget.

Mithrax: House light never raised arms against humanity.

Lakshmi: you're houses and titles are layers of politics, you are still fallen.

Mithrax: you promised us you're protection.

Lakshmi: and you've had it, we allowed you're brood to squad and chitter in our city, but still the vex simulation persists, if you are displeased with how you been treated for your failure, then i suggest you camp elsewhere.

Mithrax: you people destroyed what little we possessed,now we have nothing, nowhere to go.

Lakshmi: humanity faced a challenge like that once, we banded together and built a city with walls to keep enemy's outside............... where they belong.

The she leaves, leaving only saint-14 and mithrax.

Mithrax: we hear her broadcast, but more than that......we feel the energy of her words in the air, sharp as blades pointed at an enemy, at us.

Saint-14: you cannot ask people to live alongside there monsters.

Mithrax: listen to me now saint, let me tell you something about monsters.

As mithrax is beginning to tell his story they fade into black as white paints it.

Mithrax: once in a city grander than yours we prospered.

The white paint transforms into a grand city in the distance with the traveler above them while the eliksni appear close to the viewer in a Forrest.

Mithrax: but it did not last.

Then the paint transforms showing the traveler leaving the eliksni people with said people chasing it.

Mithrax: the great machine abandon us, and when we pursued it.

Then a black painted figure appears infront of a group of eliksni.

Mithrax: you sent something back, a creature fueled by hatred

The paint shifts again showing the black figure with dead eliksni around him, then the body's and banner of houses of the eliksni appearing beneath his head.

Mithrax: it tore through our great houses like they where nothing, then it came for us.

The paint shifts again showing the black figure looking more monstrous in nature lifting an eliksni above his head while other eliksni ran from it, some even holding hatchlings.

Mithrax: nowhere was from it's insatiable rage, in it's eyes even the most innocent of eliksni where still fallen.

Then the black figure is shown being impaled by an eliksni while it holds him and another 2 weapons stabbing it's back.

Mithrax: it could die,but it would not stay dead.

Then it shifts into the creature holding an eliksni by it's throat while it now stood like it wasn't stabbed.

Mithrax: It would shake of the rot and rise again.

The paint turns darker as it shows the creature holding an eliksni in a chokehold.

Mithrax:and if it cought you in it's crushing embrace.

Then it shows the creature giving another eliksni a crushing headbutt.

Mithrax: impaled you on it's ragged crest.

And finally it's shows the creature dragging an eliksni by the collar to a dome of light.

Mithrax: dragged you screaming into it's foul shell.......none lived to speak of this horror' called it self The Saint.

Then the paint now shows a group of eliksni facing the direction of the saint.

Mithrax: My people must now see the creature sees us.

And for a final time the paint shows the saint in a normal view but thunder shows a monster for a brief moment.

Mithrax: if we wish to survive, we must all learn to live alongside our monsters.

Then the paint faded, the screen slowly shows mithrax and saint-14 in the same position but some of the eliksni are looking at the titan.

The titan looks around him for a moment then......he leaves without muttering a single sound.

??: It's good that you told him this mithrax.

Mithrax turned to the owner of the voice, Wich belongs to the hunter from before.

Mithrax: please elaborate guardian.

He said, asking the hunter.

Hunter: it will make him see that we are not so different and vow to protect you're house.

Mithrax ponders on what the hunter told him and then turns his head to the sky looking at the beautiful endless night.

Mithrax: perhaps guardian..... perhaps.

Mithrax then leaves to attend his Kell duty's.

Then a eliksni captain walks up to the hunter from behind, but this captain wasn't ordinary, because she had........ assets.

(Original photo was removed since owner[real or not] has asked me to remove it even tho 3 years has passed so just imagine a cute and thicc eliksni female)

Captain: *insect chattering* (y/n)~~.

Now that the hunter had a name, slowly turned to face the captain.


After saying that you turned to run but failed as she grabbed your arm and quickly left for a privet place for the both of you.

Captain: we have much to do yees?~ *insect chattering*.


OLMEC21: yes it is i.....the author, anyway I hope you like the prologue and hopefully like my written down version of the story of saint-14 by the eliksni.

Also I'm changing the weapons from the bio.

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