The Lake

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(Authors POV) 

Danny had put his shoes on and grabbed his car keys. He set the basket and bag inside the car. Naomi looked stressed out. "Are you okay?" Danny asked. He hugged Naomi to try and help calm her down. "Your okay. I will keep you safe okay?" Danny said. He pulled back after a second and Naomi smiled. "I know you will." Naomi said. She smiled and walked to her side of the car. Danny watched as she walked to her side of the car. "Lucky me." He said smiling. 

He walked to the drivers side door and got inside the car. Danny started the car and buckled his seatbelt. He pressed a button above their heads and the garage door opened. Danny pulled out of the driveway and drove down the road. "Hope she enjoys this surprise" he thought. 

(Naomi's POV) 

I was nervous. 

Shaking and nervous. 

Danny looked over at me. He saw that my anxiety was getting to me. "Hey don't be like that. It's going to be fun don't worry." He said. I looked over at him. "Danny? Can you give me a hint to where we are going?" I pouted. He chuckled. "Put the pout away I'm not saying anything." He said. I sunk in my seat. "Why wont he tell me"  I thought to myself. I wasn't sure what was going on but whatever was in the basket, he wanted it to be special. I put my earbuds in and 
turned on some music. I stared out the window. 

The drive was an hour long, I fell asleep half way through it. 

When I woke up, We were parked and my seat was back. I was in one of Danny's hoodies. I sat up and saw Danny setting some candles and lighting them. I sat my seat up and he noticed. He walked over to my door and opened it. "You okay? You were out for quite a bit" He asked. I shook my head yes as he helped me out of the car. He took my hand and led me over to where he was at before. 

"Awee this is so cute!" I said. He made a picnic for us. Rose petals were laid out onto the blanket. "So. Before you sit down." He said. Danny had gotten onto one knee, pulling a small black box out of his pocket. He opened the small box and looked up at me. "I wanted to do this properly but Naomi, my sweets. Will you please accept this ring and my love and marry me?" He asked. I laughed and shook my head yes. "I will marry you." I said smiling. He got up from his knees and slipped the ring onto my finger. 

I stared at the ring for a minute and jumped into his arms. "I am so incredibly lucky to be marrying you Naomi." he said. I kissed him in response. "Very." I said smiling. We sat down after a few minutes. I cuddles into Danny who was making me a sandwich.

 {Authors note: If your mans makes you a sandwich over the roles being reversed, KEEP HIM 😂}

After we ate, Danny laid down on the blanket. I laid with him and stared up into the sky, it was getting late and the stars were peaking through. "Darling are you okay?" He asked me. I smiled and shook my head yes. "Just perfect" I thought. I started to feel sleepy. Danny started to notice it too. "Lets get ready to go, you are falling asleep in my arms as is." He said with a chuckle. I smiled and stood up walking to the car. 

I opened the door and sat down. 5 minutes later I was asleep.  

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