Wedding Day

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(Naomi's POV) 

The last few nights have been amazing. 

Me and the girls partied until late in the evening. We all got drunk and played Truth or Dare and we all enjoyed the last bit of company we had with each other.

It all came to an end. Wedding day. What a joyous occasion. 

I had just gotten into my dress when Jess walked in. My maid of honor indeed. "Wow. Look at you sexy." She said walking in. I giggled. "How is he?" I asked. "He's okay. Garrett and his brothers are trying to get him hyped." She said. Mari and who I assumed was one of Danny's sister's walked in. "Girl! You look amazing!" Mari said. I got up and hugged her. The strange female looked at me. "Hi. I'm Edelynn." She said. I smiled. "Welp. It's the end of the road for me ladies!" I said laughing. 

I was in the middle of a hug with Edelynn when I heard a knock. "Naomi?" a voice somewhat familiar to me said. I broke from the hug to greet the figure. "D-dad?" I ask. He smiles at me and I run to hug him. "Dad!" I yell happily. "Hi butterfly. I missed you." He said. I started crying. "Where have you been?" I ask. He wipes my tears and pats my head. "Around. Just busy." He said.  I smiled. I fixed my makeup as everyone walked out of the room. "You ready butterfly?" he asked me. 

"Yes." I said. We walked down the stairs and to the main entrance, waiting to be walked down the isle. I took 2 deep breaths and nodded my head. I was nervous. The music played and we started to walk down the isle. I looked at everyone who came. They were all whispering and talking. I heard one say "Wow she looks amazing." as I was walking. We had just made the turn and that's when I saw him. He looked so handsome in his suit. He smiled at me and I did also. 

My dad handed me off and we stared at each other. He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "You look incredible darling." He whispered.  

The ceremony was long but soon enough the priest said "You may now kiss the bride.". I didn't hesitate. Everyone started clapping and Danny put the ring onto my finger and we walked down the isle. We didn't go straight to the party though. We had just a moment to ourselves.  

The newlyweds. Mr. & Mrs. Phantom. 

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