Act II: Chapter 37

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As soon as Blue and the others arrived, Artemis jumped out and threw up in a nearby bush. Everyone watched with a disgusted look on their face.
“Gross,” Elizabeth said, “Glad I’ll never have to do that.”
“Artemis, are you alright?” Blue asked.
“I’m fine,” Artemis replied as he stood up, “I just got a bit sick on that ride.”
“Makes sense,” Rosie replied, “You guys were going a bit too fast.” Elizabeth and Emile shrugged their shoulders.
“Look on the bright side,” Elizabeth told her, “We got here in less than 20 minutes.”
“That should count for something at least,” Emile added, “We’re at the capital front entrance.” They all gazed inside and saw the glory the capital brought. The streets were shiny, the buildings were larger and looked fancier, and the humans and monsters were wearing much nicer clothes than anyone else in the country.
“So, let’s go to the capital now,” Emile stated as he started marching towards it, only to be stopped by Percy.
“You can’t just barge in like that,” he told him, “Show some dignity. This is a nice place.”
“Percy’s right,” Lance added, “We want to look and act our best. Artemis, you’re a prince, so act like it.”
“Of course,” Artemis replied, “I’m trying to work on that anyway.”
“Now, let’s enter in a sophisticated and serious manner,” Blue instructed, “We want to look professional.” Everyone nodded their heads and followed behind Blue. As they entered the front gate, they were greeted by a man wearing royal garbs.
“Greetings,” he said with a smile, “You guys must be the AHMA. I assume you’re here to come see the king.”
“Um, yes, but how did you know?” Blue asked.
“You’re the princess of Star Fairies,” he explained, “You defeated a God with your bare hands. You’re famous amongst all people here.” Elizabeth walked up to Blue and whispered into her ear.
“I may or may not have told them about our journey to defeat Darkmoon,” she said.
“Ah and yes,” the man continued, “The blondie who showed the most bravery and heroism, carrying out the team when the goings were tough.” Elizabeth cracked a smile.
“I may have altered it a bit to give myself more attention,” she whispered to Blue.
“What a narcissist,” Rosie thought as she rolled her eyes.
“Blondie who carried out the team when the goings were tough?” Layla said, “Elizabeth, you weren’t even there for the first part of the adventure.”
“Shush!” Elizabeth said, “Anyway, please take us to see the king.”
“Right away,” the man said, “Follow me.” They followed him towards the castle and into a small lobby with red carpet and a table and chairs with tea and cookies.
“Please help yourself to some cookies and tea while you wait for the king to arrive,” he told them, “I’ll be right back.” As soon as he left for the throne room, every Star Fairy turned to Elizabeth with a disappointed look on their faces as Elizabeth smiled nervously.
“You really had to take all of the fame, didn’t you,” Rosie began.
“That was extremely selfish of you,” Layla added.
“I never knew that the Justland Star Fairies were liars,” Emile stated, “Which is probably why our two groups never got along.”
“You’re lucky you’re my friend or I’d banish you,” Blue told her.
“This is why you have barely any friends,” Willow said, “Except for us.”
“Insert angry statement because I’m mad,” Percy said. Elizabeth scratched her head.
“Um... I’m sorry?” she said, “I didn’t mean to not include you guys.”
“We worked together as a team,” Blue said, “We all played our part. We were all important. You could have at least given the others some credit. But nonetheless, we forgive you because we are your friends. Right, everyone?” The Star Fairies all looked off into different directions as Lance and Artemis just sat there eating cookies and drinking tea.
“Aw come on!” Blue said, slightly annoyed, “We’re better than this!”
“Fine,” Rosie sighed, “I forgive you.”
“Me too,” Layla added. Everyone else nod their heads with agreement.
“Now, who wants some cookies?” Emile asked, only to find the cookies were all eaten.
“What the?!” he said, “Where did they all go?!” He stared directly at Artemis and saw the crumbs on his face.
“You ate them all?!” he asked.
“Well, I got hungry,” Artemis defended, “Besides, I’m a goat, and we kinda just eat anything, and everything.” Emile looked as if he was about to lose, but was stopped by the throne room doors opening.
“Welp, that’s our cue,” Blue said. They all walked inside in a dignified manner.
“Greetings,” the king of humans said, “I see you have come to me without notice. What is the issue that you bring to me?”
“Well, you see,” Blue began, “We need to warn you about an evil scientist known as G. S. Nova. We have reason to believe that he will be coming here to attack the city. We want to make sure that you get everyone out of here safely before that happens.”
“Hmm,” the king said, “Do you have any proof of this scientist coming to attack us?”
“Blue can see into the future,” Rosie replied, “If we are to believe they are true, then that should be all the evidence you need.”
“I don’t know if I should trust that, considering that one of your friends here lied about one of the stories our people was told,” the king stated, “But, if we should believe that, then it’s best that we put the city into lockdown and evacuate everyone immediately. We have a line of defense as well. While we prepare everything, you and your friends can wait in two of our guest rooms.”
“Thank you,” Blue replied, “We will wait patiently.” She and the others then followed the guards towards the guest rooms as one of the soldiers walked up to the king.
“Activate the barrier and evacuate the humans and monsters to the underground bunker,” the king told him, “I can’t risk any of the lives here.”
“Right away, your majesty,” the guard responded.

After about an hour of waiting in the guest rooms while the king evacuated the citizens, everyone started to get really bored.
“Raise your hand if you’re bored,” Elizabeth said. Everyone raised their hand.
“Too bad there aren’t any punching bags to punch,” Emile said, “I usually do that when I’m bored.”
“Why not read a book?” Percy asked, “If only the books here weren’t ones I already read.”
“I wish something exciting would happen right about now,” Layla stated, “If we were back home, I’d be swimming in the ocean.” Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
“Perhaps it’s the king,” Blue said. She walked over to it and answered it. Amethyst, Henry, Penelope, and Hesitance were standing there.
“What are you guys doing here?” Blue asked, “And how did you get here so fast?”
“You know I’m a wizard, right?” Amethyst answered, “We have come here for a few reasons. First off, Artemis, you were supposed to stay at the base where it was safe.”
“I’m sorry,” Artemis replied with guilt.
“Secondly,” Amethyst continued, “We have bad news about Nova. He has one more final form that is more powerful than anything we’ve dealt with before.”
“Do you know anything about the form?” Lance asked, “The more info we have, the better.”
“We don’t know much, but this form may destroy the capital,” Penelope answered, “We need to get Lance and Artemis to safety.”
“They just evacuated all of the humans and monsters here to a bunker,” Rosie informed, “We need to take them there.”
“I will escort them,” Amethyst told them, “Hesitance and Penelope will accompany me as well. The rest of you need to stay here and prepare yourself for the attack.” Artemis and Lance stood up. Artemis turned to Blue.
“This is in case I don’t see you again,” he said. He then gently kissed her on the cheek, causing Blue to blush and Henry to frown. Lance turned to Willow.
“I’m confident that we will see each other again,” he told her, “I wish you the best of luck.” Suddenly, everyone felt the ground tremble.
“What’s going on?” Emile asked.
“It can’t be,” Rosie said. She quickly ran out of the room and looked out the window. She saw a strange being covered in darkness and HATE approaching the city. It was Nova, except something was different about him. Half of his face was covered in black and appeared as if it was going to envelop the other half. His legs had turned into large tendrils and destroyed anything on contact. His eyes glowed an evil red color.
“Oh no,” Rosie said. She ran back to the others to report the news.
“Everyone!” she shouted, “We need to get into positions! Amethyst! Evacuate the others! Nova is heading this way right now!”
“Perfect timing!” Layla said with sarcasm, “What are we going to do now?!”
“We have no other choice but to fight back,” Blue said, “Emile and Elizabeth, I need you to find a way to get on top of the buildings to fire arrows of lightning and spears of bravery. This will hopefully slow him down.”
“In the meantime, I’ve installed a NEO Mode on Rainbow,” Elizabeth explained, “She should buy us some time for now.”
“I’ll lower his gravity with dark magic,” Percy stated, “It will let Emile and Elizabeth be able to have a clear target.”
“Layla, Henry, and I will be backup support for Blue,” Rosie said, “We’ll be able to take him on once he gets into our area.”
“I’ll rush in for a final swing,” Willow said, “My true form should be able to take him out.”
“Let’s go and prepare now!” Amethyst rushed, “I need to get these guys to safety.” She ran out of the castle along with Artemis, Lance, Penelope and Hesitance and headed towards the bunkers.
“Alright everyone,” Blue said, “I’m a bit scared, but we must do what’s right. We will fell Darkmoon for once and for all!”

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