Part 2: To Date a Domme

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Before i knew it, saturday had rolled around. 6PM, i should start preparing for my date with Alani. I showered, shaved and put on my finest suit. Donatello's was a fancy restaurant after all. "She must have expensive taste" i thought to myself. Or maybe she just wanted to see if i wasn't a cheapskate. Im not, but i also didn't like the thought of splurging on an expensive diner before knowing if i was gonna get a second date.

7:30PM, I should get going. Right before i leave, i walk over to my nightstand to close it. I notice an unopened pack of condoms i bought a while back. Probably as a precaution. I debate on taking one out of the box.
I don't plan on immediately inviting Alani over, but you can never be too prepared. I open the package, and place one of the condoms in the inside my wallet. Just in case.

Donatello's is about a 15 minute walk from my apartment, so i decide to walk the distance. Maybe i'm trying to think about the environment, maybe i'm trying to walk of the anxiety.
I've been on my fair share of dates, but something about Alani intrigued me. Aside from her lovely appearance, something about our short conversation felt different than what i'm used to. Was it the fact she asked ME out? The expensive restaurant choice? Or am i just not used to going on dates anymore?


I arrive at Donatello's, no sign of Alani. "Have i been stood up?" I think to myself. Its still 5 minutes until 8, so i assume she'll arrive any second. I awkwardly stand around, eyeing the menu outside, waiting for a sign of my amber haired date. I wait for a total of 4 nerve-wracking minutes.


I see a taxi pull up outside of the restaurant, with its backseet window slightly rolled down.

"That'll be 36,75 ma'am"

I see a gloved forearm shoot up from the back seat, handing a 50 dollar bill to the driver.

"Keep the change, good night sir!"

As the car door opens, my heart sinks. Alani looks like she should be on a Paris runway, not on a date with a quite mediocre looking bloke like myself.

She's wearing a long,tightly fit beige dress, complete with matching gloves. Her amber colored hair styled to perfection. 
Our eyes meet. I suddenly realize i had been too busy admiring her figure in her pictures to notice her stunning, bright green eyes.

"Hey Ethan! You look more handsome then i thought!"
She says enthusiastically.

"T-thanks, so do you" i stumble out.

"Want to head on in?" She gestures towards the door.

As we enter Donatello's, a well dressed man stops us.

"Do you have a reservation?"

Fuck, i totally forgot to make a reservation. Did she make one? Or did she assume my overly confident online doppelganger would have made one immediatly?

Before i even get out a word, Alani answers

"Dubois, a table for 2"

"Miss Dubois! I'm so sorry, i didn't recognize you there. Lockdown must have messed with my memory" The man says, as he hurriedly motions towards our table.

"They know eachother? How many dates has she brought to this place?" I think to myself as i walk towards our table. In any case, I'm trying to be the last.

We sit down. Glances are exchanged while the waiter hands us the menu cards. But before he even has time to walk away Alani stops him.

"A bottle of the Merlot please"

I check the menu. 75$ for a bottle of wine?? This girl is about to drain my bank account! "Fuck it", i decide to not show my astonishment, acting as if money is no problem to me.
The waiter leaves to fetch us the wine.

" you come here often?" I ask, trying to start a conversation.

"Mostly for business meetings"

Damn, she must make a lot of money!

"What do you do for work?"

"I do freelance work, what about you?"

Freelance work? I've never seen a freelancer spend like this.

"Just a regular old office job, its not the best, but it pays the bills" i answer meekly.

"Thats nice. Have u chosen what you want to eat?" She asks

I hurriedly scan the menu,which i haven't even looked at, my eyes falling on the frutti di marri.

"Frutti di marri, what about you?" I respond

"Just the chefs recommendation, i like a surprise every now and then" she says, shooting me a playful glance.

Just at that moment, the waiter arrives with our wine

"Have u decided what you'd like to eat?"

"Ill have th-"

"He'll have the frutti di mari, and i'll have the chefs recommendation" she interrupts me.

I'm taken aback by her sudden, quite rude interruption. I quickly come to my senses, realizing i don't mind that much.

The next hour goes by quite smoothly. We exchange pleasantries, talk about our family and hobbies during dinner. My nerves have largely subsided by now, and i realize Alani is actually not as scary as i had assumed. Until we get back to the topic of work.

"So what kind of freelance work do you actually do? Arts? Journalism?" I ask nonchalantly

"I provide services to people in need"

What does she mean? Is she a masseuse? A hypno therapist? I don't know, and at this point i feel like asking more could be rude. Whatever it means, its making her a lot of money if she's able to have business meetings at places like these.

Dinner has finished. Alani excuses herself to go to the bathroom, giving me a moment to catch my breath. Our date is going swimmingly, and i actually quite like her despite her sudden outbursts of bossieness and mysterious attitude about work. 

I look over to see Alani return from the bathroom, looking as beautiful as ever. There's a pep in her step, which is making her voluptuous breasts sway a little. 

"They look so soft" i think to myself. 

As she sits down, i realize i might not have been very subtle whilst admiring her chest. I look up to meet her gaze, and she gives me another smirk. Did she notice? If  she did, she doesn't seem to mind. We look at eachother for a few moments, not saying a word. i can feel a connection, a spark if you will, and just as i am thinking of ways to hint at a second date, Alani breaks the silence.

"You wanna go back to my place for dessert?"

Once again I'm taken aback. Our date is going well, but i didn't expect her to invite me back to her place so soon! Not that I'm complaining, any time spent around this girl feels like heaven.

"Yeah sure!" I say just a little TOO eagerly.

She smirks

"Great, let me just ask for the check"

And for the first time since the start of our date, my heart sinks. This is gonna take a humongous bite out of my mediocre paycheck. I start to sweat a little in anticipation when i see our waiter walk over, check in hand. I don't even know if i have enough cash to cover it!

The waiter tries to hand me the bill, but before i can even read the triple digit total, Alani snatches it up, swiftly handing the waiter a 500$ bill. And once again, she says:

"Keep the change" 

at this point i don't even care what her job is, all i know is that I'm entering whatever field its in.

And with that, we get up and leave. She turns around, asking me

"So, you still wanna come back to my place?"

"Yes ofcourse, i'd love some dessert" i say with a taunting smirk.

"Great, let me wave down a cab" she says, giving me a subtle wink.

A cab arrives and we get in.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was my second mistake of the night.

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