Part 3: The Appartment.

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The drive to Alani's house was short, but still long enough for my nervousness to rear its ugly head again. Here i am, taking a taxi to a girls house i met less than a week ago! I'm not sure how the rest of this evening is going to play out, but something tells me she'll be the one wearing the proverbial pants. 

We arrive.

"That'll be 35,55" The driver says. 

I reach for my wallet as fast as i can. Im not letting her pay for this whole night by herself! I'd be scared she would think of me as some sort of leech! 

I hand the driver a 50 dollar bill, tellling him to keep the change.

I look over to Alani, and to my surprise im greeted by what looks like a slightly annoyed impression. Did i offend her? Why would she be annoyed by not having to spend money? 
But as her expression fades, so does my confusion. "Maybe i just startled her" I think to myself while  we exit the cab.

We walk into her appartment building, quickly taking the elevator up to the 6th floor. As we make our way over to her appartment i feel my nerves rising again. I wonder if she's intending for us to have sex on the first date. And if so, if i will be able to perform to her liking.

She unlocks the door, welcoming me into her appartment.

"Well, this is me, sorry if anything is untidy, my maid could use some disciplining" she says.

I look around. 'untidy? this place looks immaculate!" i think to myself

The interior has a sort of goth chic vibe, with lots of black shades, contrasted by rosered accent points. 

"Would you like something to drink? I make a mean pornstar martini" she offers whilst walking over to what i assume to be the kitchen.

i accept her offer. Nothing like a bit of liquid courage to calm my nerves, which have now rose to an all time high. 

She returns with our drinks, gesturing for me to sit down on the expensive looking leather couch. 

"So, what did u think of our date back there?" i ask, suddenly feeling quite shy again. I really wanted her to like me, no matter what it took.

"I had lots of fun, and i think you're a great guy! Otherwise i wouldnt have invited you over silly" she says slylie

"Well, i thought i got here off of my looks alone" i respond, giving her a comedic wink. The liquid courage seems to be working its magic.

She laughs.

GOD she's so beautiful.

"Okay handsome, what about this: You wait over here like a good boy while i change into something more.... comfortable so we can talk a bit more.... intimately. How does that sound?"

"Im pretty sure i could do that" i answer with a smile, feeling like a million bucks.

"Allright then, i'll be right back" she says, and off she goes.

I sit back and grin to myself, praising whatever deity is responsible for getting me this far.
I check my watch, it 10pm on the dot. Not like it matters, i'll be sleeping here anyway.....

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