Part 4: The office

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She's been gone for a full 5 minutes.

"how long can getting naked get" i think to myself, slightly apprehensive. 

I get up off the couch, might aswell look around a little right? 

I walk around the living room, admiring her interior decorating skills. The whole room looks like it belongs on a movie set. Everything from the curtains to the rugs and lamps, it all looks so well placed, and expensive at that. There's even a large painting right above the fireplace. I walk up to it, trying to admire it. The painting depicts what looks to be the throne room of a castle. Before the throne there seem to be atleast 20 noble looking men, all kneeling. Some bearing gifts, others pointing their gaze towards the floor, almost repentant. Before them stands a women, dressed in what would probably best be described as an ethereal looking ballgown, amber hair draped over her intimate parts, yet leaving little to the imagination. 

"She looks kind of like Alani" i remark to noone in particular. 

I look around again, this time noticing a door slighlty ajar.

There's light in the room, but it seems to be dim, and has a purple/reddish tint. I wonder what that room is. Some kind of office? photography studio? Hobby room? I contemplate taking a peek. But what if Alani comes in, catching me snooping around her appartment? Surely any chance of me getting lucky tonight would be flushed down the drain. I look back to my watch.


Almost 10 minutes have passed since Alani went to change. What could she be upto? Should i be concerned?

I pace around for another minute, shooting glances at the open door. A quick peek wouldn't hurt right? i'm sure she'd understand.

I slowly walk over to the door, trying not to make too much sound as to not alert her. I grab the doorknob, hesitating for a few seconds again. Should i be doing this?

"Fuck it" i think to myself.

I push open the door, noticing a smell resembling sweat, with a hint of..... latex?

Nothing could have prepared me for what i saw when i entered the room. Looking around, i see  walls covered in all kinds of instruments that i can only attribute to the likes of a torture chamber. Whips, chains, handcuffs, hogties, ropes, leashes, paddles and so much more, most of which i don't even know the name of. There is a huge X on the wall with cuffs attached, and a few other pieces of "furniture".
Every single piece looking more uncomfortable than the last.

"This is a fucking sex dungeon" i mumble to myself, confused and surprised.

As i step in further, trying to take in the absolutely absurd amount of "tools" this girl has in the room, i can't help but start chuckling to myself. 

"Damn, i guess this chick is into some real kinky shit. I wouldnt be opposed to tying her up or some shit if thats what floats her boat" 

Looking around, i notice what looks like climbing gear on  the wall. Curious, i walk over to inspect. Getting a closer look, i can see its some kind of belt/underwear type contraption, with a ring in the center. I wonder what this stuff is used for, as i do for most of the stuff in this room.

"I see you've found my.... office"

I freeze.

She's caught me snooping around her sex dungeon, she must be furious.

I start slowly turning around.

"Didn't i tell you to be a good boy and stay on the couch?"

"i-i-im sorry, yo-you were taking some time and i-"

My eyes fall on her outfit. She's wearing 6" heels, stockings, a tight skirt,a corset and a lace top, barely concealing her breasts. All of it black, except for the corset, which is red, reminding me of her interior design. 

"Dont be sorry, you only ruined your own surprise"

I shoot her a puzzled expression

"You see Ethan, i really liked our date, and for the sake of honesty, i was planning on showing u this room myself. I want to  be honest about my occupation, as i could not date a man that would take offence to my line of work"

"You're line of work?" i inquire, starting to slightly regain some composure.

"Im a Domme Ethan. Femdom, dominatrix whatever u want to call it. People contact me when they need release from their daily lives, handing over control to me. And they pay me for it.... handsomely"

I come to the sudden realization that all the instruments adorning these walls are not meant for her. She's the one dealing the damage.

"ohhh...uhhh....Thats... unusual" i respond, not really knowing what to say. Am i okay with this? Does she expect me to be into this stuff aswell? what happens if im not fine with this?
a thousand questions race through my mind, but before i can ask any of them, Alani once again speaks up.

"I know it might seem a little.... intimidating. But you're free to walk out of here anytime you want, no hard feelings"

I think about it for a few seconds. Before i can really decide what to say, i'm allready saying it.

"No i... well i... don't want to leave. This stuff is just really new for me, i need a second to take it all in"

"Ofcourse, that's fine. Feel free to look around and..."

she hesitates for a second

"If you'd like, i could maybe give u a taste of what i do? Free of charge obviously"

I once again look at her puzzled. Is she serious? Why would i want that? 
Does she think im into this stuff? 

I open my mouth to politely decline her offer, when i suddenly feel the stinging feeling of doubt. What if this is the way to impress her? She'll definatly want a second date if i let her show off her skills.

And maybe, just maybe im also kind of curious whether or not i might enjoy it. Should i take her up on her offer? 

I once again open my mouth, and utter the words that will seal my fate.....

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