Chapter 7

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(A/N) : 2184 words
When I open my eyes, I hear a door slide shut. I look around my, everything is white; the ceiling, walls, floor, curtains, bed sheets.
It doesn't take me long to realize that I am in a hospital room. I stare at the ceiling, nothing in particular going through my mind before the memories start coming back. I pull the blanket over me off, seeing bandages wrapped around my entire waist area but I don't feel any pain.
I hear the door slide open once again and force my head up to see a ninja walk inside. I can't see his face as he wears a mask over his mouth and a headband over his forehead. I frown momentarily before recognizing the person by their clothes.
His eyes widen, walking over to me with a small limp. A smile reaches my face as Itachi puts his hands on the side of the bed, nearly doing something then he pulls away, hesitating and sitting on the chair beside the bed.
From under Itachi's shirt, I can see the chakra restraining necklace but I know it doesn't work. I stopped performing any type of jutsu on it ever since we started training, why does he still wear it. Does he think it still works? But then again, I haven't felt him at all for quite a long time.
"Hi," I mumble, not knowing what to say.
"How do you feel?" It feels as though an eternity has passed since I heard Itachi's voice. There is a slight rush to it but it is still calm and monotone.
He sighs, leaning back in the chair and taking off the bag on his back, pulling out a dark blue bento box that I recognize from my kitchen. Itachi pulls the lid of, takintwo chopsticks then holding out the box and chopsticks.
As soon as I take them he says, "eat."
I nearly laugh before I try to sit up. Itachi places his hand on my back, then I hear him move the pillows with his other hand.
When he lets go, I take it as a sign to lay my back and I can finally get a proper look of the room that lightens up with the last rays of sunlight.
"Thank you," I say, eating the food as Itachi stares at me without saying anything.
"Are you going to continue staring?" I ask, feeling awkward as I turn to him. Itachi's head turns to the side immediately and if it isn't the sunset playing tricks, I am sure I saw him blush.
I put the bento box on the bedside table when I've finished eating. I look at Itachi but he continues to keep his face in the opposite direction.
"How's your leg?" I ask.
There is a silence, an awkward one as I furrow my brows. "Are we going to continue sitting in silence-"
"Are you full?" Itachi asks suddenly, his cheeks back to their normal color.
"Uh, yes, I am."
"Good." Itachi puts the bento box back in his bag, standing up, pulling his mask up and limping towards the door, a slight rush in his steps before he shuts the door without sparing me another glance.
What was that about?
I frown, looking out the window. When on the mission, I was actually looking forward to seeing him again. But he's acting all weird.
I hear the door sliding for the fourth time ever since I woke up. This time, Mrs. Watanabe walks in.
As soon a she sees me, a smile reaches her face before she begins doing a check up. "I'm glad you've woken up. I was wondering how long you'd be staying."
"Sorry if I was a nuisance," I say in a sarcastic voice. Hearing Mrs. Watanabe laugh after a long time makes me feel a warm comfort in my stomach.
"Itachi just came and told me you woke up and then he hurried away. He forgot to take his medication as well."
"What medication are you talking about?"
"You know, his illness," Mrs. Watanabe says, undoing the bandages on my waist.
"What illness?" I ask, my brows furrowing together as my eyes narrow.
"Huh? I didn't tell you about it?"
I shake my head slowly, my glare deepening as I wait impatiently for her answer.
"He has a terminal illness. I discovered that night when observing him."
"Will he... Die?" I ask, feeling the cool green light on my stomach as Mrs. Watanabe checks over my body.
"He has time until then. About 7 years so it isn't as bad as most patients. At about 23 or 24, he'll be gone. I don't know what he's done but his eyes might go blind as well, it seems he's using them too much."
"Like for a jutsu or something?"
"That's my guess."
I glance out the for the rest of the check up in silence as Mrs. Watanabe explains what had happened to my body and that I'd been asleep for three weeks. But it didn't shock me, Itachi's illness did more.
"You're perfectly fine, in fact I can let you leave tonight. I wish I could stay longer but I have more patients to attend to, I'm sorry Naromi."
"It's alright, thank you Hiyori-san."
She fixes my pillows and bows down, turning to leave before stopping in her tracks. "It seems Itachi has brought another flower."
I follow Mrs. Watanabe's eyes to see her looking at the Peony in a vase on the hospital table.
"What?" I murmur.
"You heard me right. He brought in a new one every three days and a bento box every day for breakfast and dinner. Since you were sleeping, he gave them to me and I'd end up eating them eventually. Did he give you a box today?"
I slowly nod as Mrs. Watanabe sighs, "oh sweet young love. I best be off now. Get rest Naromi."
She walks out after that, smiling at me. I look after her then turn to the Peony, my lips curling up in a smile as I feel my cheeks begin to warm up.
I lay my head on the pillows, watching the Peony as I fall asleep.

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