i promise one day i will write again

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(Ok so I haven't been that into writing lately for no real reason other than the fact I just haven't that and me and my brother have been watching shows together like demon slayer I finished the manga and holy shit guys it was great but anyway this is just something to get a laugh ig)

The characters as thing my family/the boys I babysit have said to me

Cammy: I like music cause it makes my ankles warm

Gloxina: would you like me to give you scars across you face straight down right side to left left to right or straight up

Cammy: right to left please

Gloxina would you like to lose both eyes or just one

Cammy: just one please I want to watch as people stare in shock

Monspeit:*watches in confusion*

King:*eating while hanging off the side of the table*

Hawk:sit your butt down

King:*does* well now I can't eat


Gloxina:how the fuck does one cook

Zeldris:normally by reading the instructions

Gloxina:*mockingly* normally by reading the instructions oh go to hell

Estrarossa:go fuck yourself

Derire(no clue how to spell right now):would if I could

Thats all folks thanks for reading this and have a good day or night whatever I promise I also have normal conversation with people but those aren't funny

zeldris that's a kidWhere stories live. Discover now