our thing

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"I'm sooo sorry this took so long I've been busy and anxiety and family and ughhhh ya know life so yeah I hope this chapter is good and you enjoy thank you for your patience yeah"

“well at least he has you to listen to his stories” he says she instantly brightens up and nods “yeah and zera listens to him to though I think its cause she misses him to”.

“They were good friends when they were younger she said he was always defending her from mean older kids and she smiles when talking about him buts it’s never a happy smile” she spoke in a quiet voice as she grabs he’s hand “I don’t like them very much xina” he nods.

(time skip cause cammy doesn’t need to stay sad)

“How was the market”  monspiet asked Cameron as she hopped around him.
“All was well at the market though gloxinia was a bit hmm whiny I think the word is right estarossa?” she hops her way over to him her bouncing as she does.

He nods “that’s correct” he then pats her head as she smiles brightly  and bounce on the heels of her feet at being correct.

“Haha yes see I told you I was getting to be the betterest” she says putting her hands on her hips and sticking her tongue out at him as he just shook his head at her antics.

“well I guess you were correct you except you mean the best  not betterest so not much better so try not to get to smug about it ok cam” he knelt in front of her as she began to pout at him.

“That’s not nice zeldris you made her pout" gloxinia says laughing as Cameron pouts more.

“Anyway next time xina you better be good and nice otay" she says obviously trying to distract them for being wrong after being 100 percent sure she was better than she really was.

“I’m going with you next time as well” 

“yes” she states like its obvious and he should have know that.


“do you not want to" cam ask tilting her head back to look at him messy bangs falling back.

“ No I would like to go I just thought you would take someone else like when we put you to bed.

She shakes her head while waving her hand in the air.

“noooo no that’s
different this will be you and me’s thing you know like estarossa teaches me to read , and speaks  ,and zeldris does me and him stuff ,and monspiet and me share stories ya know” she finishes with in last twirl of her hand. 

He nods and pats her head “ok so shopping will be our thing then” she smiles up at him and nods.

“Yayy me and xina have a thing that won’t get us in trouble" she claps.
“What have y’all done that would get yall in trouble” zeldris ask

“Nothing” they both said sharing a look as Cameron laughed “yeah we’ve been good lately"

“And why don’t I believe you” estarossa says smirking slightly. “Well that’s cause you are a meany bo beany” she says shaking her hips sassily with her hands on them. As the rest laugh at the pair of them.

(Thanks for reading this is shorter than I wanted but this is all that I've written that is good cause everything else was sucky and bad and I'm sorry cause I've really tried to write like 1'000 words it's just not happening well and any way I hope yall have some happy holidays and if you dont celebrate stuff then have a good break thank you)

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