gloxinia dont lie

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Ok, so she’s staying I assume, she’s a cute human I guess” gloxinia says.
“Hi I’m Gloxinia, what’s your name sweetie?” Gloxinia asks in a fake sweet tone.

“You shouldn’t lie mister, if you keep lying you and everyone else will stop believing you. And my name is Cameron” all the demons (excluding Zeldris) were shocked to hear a child, no older than 4 say something so mature.

“Well you are different, I’m Monspiet, nice to meet you” he says in a monotone voice.

“It’s nice to meet you as well mister Monspiet and how am I different I don’t understand I’m still human I’m just a little mature and demon or not I believe everyone has feelings” she says looking up at them.

“A little mature kid can you hear yourself you sound like a human adult what sad things happen to you to make you like this” gloxinia ask her looking shocked by what she said.

“I’m not sure what you mean mister this is just how I am” she explains to him yawning after she did.

“I think it’s time for her to go to bed come on” Zeldris says picking her up putting her on his hip.

“Zeldris what exactly do you plan on doing with this child” Estarossa ask him.
“I don’t know brother but I do intend to take care of her” he told him shifting the girl gently as to not wake her.

It had been no more than 4 months since the human girl joined the ten commandments and she was doing great she and gloxinia became friends and he would carry her while he flew as she seemed to enjoy it.

zeldris that's a kidWhere stories live. Discover now