Chapter Five. Daydreaming

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Destiny's POV

After lunch

I smiled and closed my locker while looking at the paper schedule I was holding.

"Looks like we have history class together," I said.

"Oh thank God, I hate history and wouldn't wanna do it alone." Lia sighed of relief.

"Well we better get going then." Dahlia said as she grabbed her textbooks and closed her locker.

In history

"Hello everybody, I am your history teacher Mr. Henri. Everybody get in a group of three and sit at a table together." Mr. Henri said as he wrote on the board.

I smiled already knowing who I was gonna sit with. Dahlia, Lia, and me sat in the back of the class together.

"So today you will be learning about the war of 18.." the teacher continued,

This is boring, I can't wait for school to be over already. Sigh.

Who's that girl over there, and why is she staring at me? Weird- wait do I look weird? Why else would she be looking at me- ugh must be a popular kid or something.

"Des- Des!" Dahlia elbowed me,

"Wha- huh?"

"The teacher asked you a question-"

"Oh-- sorry sir"

"It's alright, just pay attention next time.." he then continued talking

That girl is seriously getting on my nerves..

After class

"Des are you alright? You seem off" Lia asked.

"Yeah I'm fine- there was just this girl in history, she was staring at me like.. Like I was an alien or something."

"That's weir-"


"WHA-" I got startled and nearly fell over

"Sorry- I didn't mean to startle you!"

"It's alright.. wait- it's you"

"Me? What do you mean-"

"You were the one staring at me in history!"

"Ohh that was you? Sorry, I stare at people when I'm bored.. it's a bad habit, I've also never seen you around this school before so-"

"We're freshmen"

"That explains it,"

"Sorry to interrupt but, who are you?"
Dahlia asked

"I'm Bella, actually my name is Isabella but just call me Bella. I'm in my second year of school here." Bella said

"Nice to meet you Bella, I'm Destiny- Des for short, and this is Dahlia and Lia." I said with a smile.

"Nice names, well I've gotta go. See ya tomorrow!"

"See ya!" Me and Dahlia smiled,

"So, what do you two do after school? Wanna hang out?" Lia asked,

"Uh actually we're both kinda busy tonight, maybe we can meet before school tomorrow though?"

"Alright that'd be great, here's my number by the way" Lia handed both of us paper with her number on it,

"Bye guys!"



"Finally school is over," I smiled

"Race you to the beach?"

"You're on" I laughed as I grabbed my bag and ran ahead of Dahlia.

DISCONTINUED: The Secret KeepersWhere stories live. Discover now