Chapter Fifteen. Too close for comfort Part 1/3

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Destiny's POV

Later at Dahlia's house

I walked into Dahlia's house with Lia as I carried my bag.

"I already have my room set up for tonight, you guys can head up and unpack your stuff." Dahlia smiled.

"Alright thanks." Lia smiled back as we both walked up the stairs to Dahlia's room.

I walked in and noticed the windows already closed and blocked by garbage bags and blackout curtains, and blue LED lights flickering on one of the walls, as the only source of light.

To us this is normal because we always block the windows on full moons.

But I looked over and saw Lia with a confused look, of course she's gonna think this is suspicious now.

"Why are the windows blocked?" Lia asked confused.

"Oh Dahlia does that when she's home alone and her parents away, it makes the neighbors less suspicious that someone is here and so no one will break in." I smiled nervously.

"Ohh that's pretty smart! I would've never thought of that," Lia smiled.

That was close, I sighed.

I heard footsteps coming towards the room and just then Dahlia entered the room.

"I ordered pizza it should be here any minute, there's also some snacks down in the kitchen." Dahlia said.

"Great!" Lia smiled,

"This weekend is gonna be great." I said as I turned on Dahlia's tv and put in a movie.

Specifically Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, me and Dahlia always used to watch it during sleepovers.

Lia went downstairs to get snacks as me and Dahlia set up the bed, and made it comfy for all of us.

Two hours later

Both of me and Dahlia's phones vibrated at the same time, knowing what it meant we shared a worried glance.

We always set reminders for when the moon rises, and every full moon at precisely 7pm the moon rises.

"I'm just gonna go get a drink." Dahlia said as she got up and went downstairs.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom." I said as I got up.

"Alright let's take a break from movies then, I'll go get some more snacks." Lia smiled as she went downstairs as well.

Instead of going to the bathroom I met Dahlia in the laundry room.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked worriedly.

"I don't know, we have all the windows covered and basically all the light from outside is blocked, maybe we'll be fine."

"I sure hope so, we can't risk getting found out by Lia." I sighed.

"Maybe we can trust her.."

"Dahlia no, absolutely not. I'm not telling her and neither are you."

"Alright fine."

"I'm gonna go check on Lia." I said as I walked out of the laundry room and went to the kitchen, where I found Lia making popcorn.

"Hey, I'm just making some popcorn." Lia said as she put some popcorn in the microwave.

"Alright," I smiled
"I think I'll make some hot chocolate." I said as I opened the cupboard and got out some mugs.

"The kitchen smells great, now I'm hungry." Dahlia giggled as she walked in.

"Hey Lia can you pass me the mugs?" I asked as I held a cup of water for the hot chocolate mixture.

"Yeah sure" Lia said as she grabbed the mugs, she turned around too quickly and bumped into me. Causing the water I was holding to spill all over me.

My eyes widened as I realized what happened.

"I gotta go to the bathroom!" I said as I quickly put the cup down and ran upstairs to the bathroom.

I fell on my face as a tail formed taking place of my legs. Then I heard footsteps approaching the door.

"Des I'm sorry I forgot you have a water allergy!" Lia said as she got closer to the door.

I loudly slammed the door shut with my tail.

"Des, open up please. I'm sorry!"

"Its ok Lia you didn't mean it, I'll be fine just- go finish making the popcorn." I sighed.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes just go."

Then I heard Lia walk back down to the kitchen, I sighed. That was so close. Too close.

DISCONTINUED: The Secret KeepersWhere stories live. Discover now