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18th August 2002 - 5th September 2002



Ray Kon was born on 13 March 1986, making him 16 years and five months old.
Kai Hiwatari was born on 23 October 1986, making him 15 years and ten months old.
Tyson Granger was born on 15 June, 1988, making him 14 years and two month old.
Hilary Tachibana was born on 24 January  1988, making her 13 years and ten months old.
Kenny Saien was born on 02 December 1988, making him 13 years and eight months old.
Max Tate was born on 6 May 1989, making him 13 years and four months old

(A/N: Keeping in mind that the original beyblade series was released in 2001, this takes place in 2002. I've always imagined that it is the World Championships took place during the summer holidays so that most of the competitors, who are mostly students, can devote their full attention to it. In Japan and many other countries, the summer holidays are in July and August. So, let's assume that the preliminary rounds were held all over the world in the month of July. The. World Championship Tournament started on the first of August and ended on 15th.)



The Blade Breakers win the World Championships yet again. After weeks of troubles and hardships, all Tyson wants to do was bask in his growing fame and relax. He and his friends are have been waiting to lower their guards. But will they be able to so?

When they find themselves to be the targets of murders and revenge for reasons they have no control over, will they be able to get past them? When each member is facing a crisis unique to themselves, yet affecting the whole team, will they be able to enlist help from each other? Will the Blade Breakers be ready as a team, when a secret buried deep in the past threatens to re-emerge, ready to entangle two of them for a revelation completely unexpected?

Follow The Blade Breakers as they rediscover the value of friendship and love, as families broken in the past reunite, as they struggle between expectations and passions, and finally realise the true might of a common enemy, of how many families he had torn apart, who had been growing stronger and stronger for years together...


Words: 402


(A/N: For all my readers who thought of this as an update for another chapter.... Sorry to disappoint you!! (no remorse though;-) )  I felt that the story had been going on and on without reaching the part of the description in the main story, so felt the need to demarcate by introducing sub-parts. I guess there will be 3 sub parts into this story before starting another book,  if it comes to it.) Did you like the description? Tell me your views on the same. Happy reading!!)

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